Please give me references or tips you might be willing to share on this scenario:
Using: WP 4.1.1, Events Maker, Polylang and ACF
I basically seems to all work together but I want to use my own template files. I see that Events is really using a custom post type to store events and they are just customized posts.
Can you in a nutshell, tell me how to use my own template files for events so that I can incorporate my own special fields for Events? I have leveraged the WP template hierarchy to create specialized template files for example: single-my-custom-post-type.php to display data in a way I wish. Any pointers on doing this with Event Maker please?
*How to name them.
*Where to place them
*How to have Event Maker use my custom versions. On this I think what I need to do is test for say a certain category? And if it is from that category, have Event Maker use my customized template for Event Maker? So then how to I get Event Maker to use MY template file?