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  • #5912

    Dear all,

    I tried the watermark plugin today and am facing some issues. It does not show at all in the frontend.

    I am using the latest WP version 4.1. I tested the plugin only on a couple of fotos manually via the bulk functionality in the media library.
    I am using a transparent png image for a watermark symbol. Via the settings I chose to display the watermark on thumbs, medium and large images. I don’t see a watermark on any of the ‘watermarked’ pictures in the frontend – however when I click in the images in the libary (image preview) I see the watermark.

    I would love to use this plugin as I can see it’s pretty cool. Hope you can help me!

    Best regards,


    Most probably your theme uses different image sizes then the ones you applied watermark to. Did you check that?

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