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  • #56117

    Match Capcha stopped me from updating a weborm containing this catcha:
    WordPress versie 6.6.2
    Actief thema: Baskerville (versie 2.2.2) Huidige plugin: Math Captcha (versie 1.2.10) PHP versie 8.0.30

    Een fout van het type E_ERROR werd veroorzaakt op regelnummer 644 van het bestand /customers/7/a/4/ Fout bericht: Uncaught TypeError: array_key_exists(): Argument #2 ($array) must be of type array, null given in /customers/7/a/4/
    Stack trace:
    #0 /customers/7/a/4/ Math_Captcha_Core->generate_captcha_phrase(‘cf7’)
    #1 /customers/7/a/4/ wpcf7_mathcaptcha_shortcode_handler(Object(WPCF7_FormTag))
    #2 /customers/7/a/4/ WPCF7_FormTagsManager->scan_callback(Array, true)
    #3 [internal function]: WPCF7_FormTagsManager->replace_callback(Array)
    #4 /customers/7/a/4/ preg_replace_callback(‘/(\\[?)\\[(mathca…’, Array, ‘ Je n…’)
    #5 /customers/7/a/4/ WPCF7_FormTagsManager->scan(‘ Je n…’, true)
    #6 /customers/7/a/4/ WPCF7_FormTagsManager->replace_all(‘ Je n…’)
    #7 /customers/7/a/4/ WPCF7_ContactForm->replace_all_form_tags()
    #8 /customers/7/a/4/ WPCF7_ContactForm->form_elements()
    #9 /customers/7/a/4/ WPCF7_ContactForm->form_html(Array)
    #10 [internal function]: {closure}(Object(WPCF7_ContactForm), Array)
    #11 /customers/7/a/4/ call_user_func(Object(Closure), Object(WPCF7_ContactForm), Array)
    #12 /customers/7/a/4/ wpcf7_switch_locale(‘nl_NL’, Object(Closure), Object(WPCF7_ContactForm), Array)



    We’ve prepared a revamped and modernized version of Math Captcha and wanted to release it.
    Unfortunatelly WordPress review team is not allowing us to do so – they would like us to resubmit this as a new plugin. This way it prevents providing an update to existing users.

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