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  • #2902
    coni las


    I just installed responsive lightbox on my website and i met this problem : the lightbox does not appear when I click the image first time, other time than I click above it is good and the lightbox appears.

    Can anyone tell me what’s wrong ?

    Thanks a lot.



    Please post a link to your site.

    coni las

    To reproduce the problem, click on the image, the first time, it’s ko, go back, click another time and then the lightbox appears.

    thanks !


    Hi there Coni las,

    Did you put the rel=”lightbox” into the url of your picture? It works when you put Another thing can be that a certain theme that you are using doesn’t work properly. For me the Nivo lightbox theme and the swipe box theme do not work properly. Theme’s that work well are the pretty foto lightbox and the fancybox.

    Hope this helps.


    coni las

    Thanks for your help,

    Yes i put the rel=”lightbox” into the url of the picture. And in my web site i’ve got the fancybox theme, theme who works well but only on the second click on my pĂ®cture, that’s my problem …


    Ira Brand


    I have the same problem. I have several lightboxes on my website, examples here:

    When you click on the first image, it does not open it in lightbox, just as a larger image in the browser. The second time you click (either on the same image, or on a different one) it will open it in lightbox and works fine.

    Is there a solution to this, to make it successfully open in lightbox the first time?

    Thanks very much,


    Charley Utton

    I’ve too got this problem on my website

    It worked fine up until I tried it today. So I tried updating the plugin, but to no avail.


    Edit – I’ve just noticed that it’s not necessarily the ‘going back and clicking again’ that’s making it work. If I wait for the page to load entirely, the lightbox will work. But if the loading circle in the tab at the top of the browser window is still spinning (I’m using Google Chrome) then it diverts straight to the picture instead of to the lightbox. I found the same with the websites of the authors above me.

    I never noticed this happening before, but perhaps it’s because I was slower to click on to the pictures? I’m not sure how anything could have changed before I updated the plugin – but then, I don’t know if there is any communication between the plugin and a central server that could be slow.


    @coni, check this one:

    Error: TypeError: jQuery(…).attr(…) is undefined
    Line: 11

    @Ira, your theme is using Ajax, so try enabling Custom Events option in plugin settings and see if it makes the difference.

    , there were no significant changes in the plugin recently, but basically that bahaviour comes from the way the jQuery works. Events (like applying lightbox) can be fired when the DOM is ready – when the page (and it’s elements) are fully loaded. If you have some JS skills try to modify the plugin JS code to use $(window).load() instead of $(document).ready().

    Charley Utton

    Thanks Bartosz.

    Ira Brand

    Hi Bartosz,

    I enabled the custom events option as you suggested, but it doesn’t make any difference.

    I also don’t think it’s to do with the page still loading. Even when I ensure the page is fully loaded, the first image I click on is always opened in the browser (not lightbox).

    Any other suggestions for what I might try?




    @Ira, it definitely is coused by the way your pages are loaded. If you open your links above – lightbox works as expected. But if you go to next or previous page it’s loaded via Ajax GET request.

    Now to apply lightbox you’d need to know the jQuery event name being triggered after page is loaded to use it in plugin settings. I think the theme author should be able to help you here.

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