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  • #26246


    I decidet to create a new topic because I am waiting weeks for some response and I am still not geting one. I hope it was just a missunderstanding. So here is the problem.

    When I click on a image on product page, the lightbox normaly opens, but opens twice. This problem is only on default product, when I change color of product, the lightbox opens normaly = once.

    The second problem is, the thumbnails in the lightbox are showen twice.

    The problem is for example here –

    Last thing, I want to ask you, if there is any option, where I can cancel opening the lightbox after clicking on the thumbnail on the product page.

    Best regards
    Jiří Pázler



    We’been checking that and it’s a very unusual what happens – as if multiple lightbox script intances were created.
    Do you have Custom events enabled in Responsive Lightbox -> General settings? If so please disable it.
    Double thumbnails in lightbox is most probably also related to that.

    If you want to disable lightbox for WooCommerce there’s an option for that in RLG General settings too.

    Hope this helps.



    thank you for your answer. I did what you adviced me but it does not work. When I diable the Responsive Lightbox the images are opening in a new page as here:

    Please, let me know how can I do about it.

    Thank you!

    Best regards
    Markéta Kociánová

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