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  • #235


    I have a website build which should only show certain widgets on single pages of the base ‘post’ type.

    I was wondering if you could drop in the feature to actually be able to restrict it to one of the base post types (mainly ‘post’), because the options are there to show on page, show on single custom post types, show on single posts (all), but not just for ‘post’ single posts!


    Would option to enter post ID’s where widget should be displayed/hidden be ok for you?


    Additionally, the option to show for all categories (the ‘post’ taxonomy) is not seeming to work. I’m using the archive widget to list all categories. If I navigate into one of the taxonomy pages, the widgets (selected to show on ‘categories’ do not show.

    Is there a repository somewhere for public contributions?


    > Would option to enter post ID’s where widget should be displayed/hidden be ok for you?
    I’m not after specific post IDs, I think it’s probably too specific.

    I’ve fixed it on my copy by just commenting out _builtin => FALSE where you’re populating the custom post types array and just selecting the base post type that way. :p


    Thanks for the fast reply! Just to clarify.

    I don’t mean single, specific posts.

    I mean the single ‘post’ post page, which covers all single posts for the post type ‘post’
    Essentially, the same as selecting a custom post type, but for the ‘post’ post type too.

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