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Hi, several problems to report visually: :)
This is on a WPML set up and I would REALLY appreciate some help, because I have yet to find an events calendar that works with WPML. Getting desperate! I thought yours was THE ONE, but this is happening….
Hello immeemz,
And thank you for reporting this. One question: Are you running the recently updated version, which is Can you please check that.
Yes, version Version .
Wordpress 3.6.1 and WPML 2.9.1
Thanks! :)
Ok, can you provide us a temporary admin access to your site? (using Set as private reply at the bottom) We’d take a look. We’re using exactly the same combination at one of our sites, and it runs smoothly. We’d like to find out why it’s not working for you.
Also, here are my permalinks:
…and WPML is set up as: ” Different languages in directories (http://tvndy.ca/ – French, http://tvndy.ca/en/ – English, etc.)”
Thanks again!
Done! WP should have sent you an email with the login and password.
Done :)
First: you did not set event start and end date for your events, but you have had sorting by event date start selected (which is default). There were no dates so the query returned no results, for admin and page not found for the front-end. (by the way I think we’ll ned to change that default behaviour). If you enter the date it will be ok. (you have even an error notice that those fileds are not set)
Second: the editor – you just disabled it in plugin settings (it’s enabled by default)
Wow, okay! Thank you!
A couple more things…
When I set a start and end date for the events, and then update the page, they disappear (in fact I set them for the events I had showed you at first but I didn’t realize that they were disappearing). I click the blue “update” button, and the start and end fields that had been filled in are then blank after the page reloads. So I guess this was why there were no start and end dates. I’ve just tried again several times and I cannot get the start and end dates to stick, and http://tvndy.ca/en/zyzzyx/ says “No Events Found”.
Any ideas? Thanks again.
Ok, I think we found the bug here. If you disable event tickets , event date and other metadata is not saving. We know why – just need sime time to change that.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Thanks for the quick response! Any rough idea on when you’ll be able to update it?
Just updated to the svn. I updated it on your site. Tested – working.
WOW, thanks for the excellent service!!! Just gave you a 5-star rating on WP.org. :)
Thank you :)