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  • #53388

    Hi all,

    I’m using the responsive lightbox plugin which is great and working, ish.

    My website has a gallery of 32 images (as a starter), when you click on the first one and it loads the lightbox, when you select next on the image, it rolls through the first 9 images just fine, but then goes back to the start and doesn’t respect the gallery order and continue to show the other timages..

    It seems to always go back to the start, usually after a few pictures. When I go to the next “block” it seems to do the same thing..

    Any ideas on how to fix this?

    Additionally (not a massive problem) when I select the random image sorting, rather than gallery order it basically randomly displays the images but with an infinite scroll of the images repeated over and over.. any ideas on how to do a random order with infinite scroll only with the images on my gallery or was it designed like that and I’m using it wrong? Is infinite scroll the wrong pagination type?

    Thanks for any help!

    Website link if you want to see:



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