Hi Bartosz, long time :) Hope you had a great festive season and all the best for 2014!
Still struggling to get it to work… Theme is Cool Stuff http://teslathemes.com/wp-themes/coolstuff/
I’ve tried removing the swipebox.min from the plugin with no luck. I also tried Nivo, Fancy and pretty to no avail :( SwipeBox is currently activated with these comments:
elseif($this->options['settings']['script'] === 'swipebox')
// commented out because the theme has it already
// 'responsive-lightbox-swipebox',
// plugins_url('assets/swipebox/source/jquery.swipebox.min.js', __FILE__),
// array('jquery')
Here’s the page http://bongalong.co.za/shop/ and my gallery code (nothing really).
[gallery columns="6" ids="47,53,49,50,29,46" orderby="rand"]
Thanks again! ps. it’s working great on another site I’m busy with!