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  • #5942

    So I am creating a calendar and I want to have recurring events — every Tuesday, say. But it doesn’t end ever. But I have to enter an “end date”. So if I enter an end date of 1 year later, it shows up nicely in the calendar, but when I go to an individual event page, all the dates are listed in a big long vertical line and you have to scroll through 52 (in a year) to get to the info about the event.

    I am wondering, could you make an option for recurring events that does not end, and if so, then just have a date blurb that says (instead of listing the dates), Every Tuesday (or whatever day it is)?

    Thank you so much for your time and dedication. Event Maker is an awesome plug in and I appreciate your time and effort.


    From the philosophical point of view every event has an end :)

    But besides, it would be a complex task at the code level. The best thing you can do is to modify the recourring events output in single event view.

    There are some options, for example to modify the em_display_event_occurrences() function (it’s located in template-functions.php). You can copy this to your theme and adjust to your need – it will be used instead of the default one.
    Or unhook the default function and use come custom code instead.

    It is possible to do, but requires some custom work. This is out of the support scope unfortunatelly.

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