I have tried and tried, but am unable to find a solution to my problem. If I set Responsive Lightbox to show caption only on the individual images within Lightbox…caption does not show. If I set caption to show on the gallery as well…the caption then shows in both gallery and lightbox.
I have checked all my plugins to see if there was any conflicting plugins. I have deleted any that I thought might be causing the issue….still no luck. I assume this may be due to change in WordPress….caption used to work as I desire… I find caption or title on the gallery to look cluttered…but it is appropriate to show caption on lightbox individual images.
I have sent two previous emails to Bartosz…no reply. I would prefer to deal directly instead of through a forum. I am happy to provide web site and password to Bartosz directly, but am unwilling to list this on a forum. Bartosz…please reply. Thank you