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  • #30772
    Phil Brouwer

    I have tried and tried, but am unable to find a solution to my problem. If I set Responsive Lightbox to show caption only on the individual images within Lightbox…caption does not show. If I set caption to show on the gallery as well…the caption then shows in both gallery and lightbox.

    I have checked all my plugins to see if there was any conflicting plugins. I have deleted any that I thought might be causing the issue….still no luck. I assume this may be due to change in WordPress….caption used to work as I desire… I find caption or title on the gallery to look cluttered…but it is appropriate to show caption on lightbox individual images.

    I have sent two previous emails to Bartosz…no reply. I would prefer to deal directly instead of through a forum. I am happy to provide web site and password to Bartosz directly, but am unwilling to list this on a forum. Bartosz…please reply. Thank you

    Phil Brouwer

    Is anyone home? This forum has lots of questions with no response…and there is no direct support contact. Should I contact Paypal and demand a refund?


    Hello Phil,

    In order to check your issue we need some information from you.
    1. Your site url (pefferably a page where we can see the missing caption)
    2. Your site admin credentials
    3. FTP access to your site

    Please provide these details using a Private reply option (in order it’s not publicly accessible)

    Phil Brouwer

    Here is an example of the issue.

    Note that the gallery currently has no context…as I wish…but if I click on an image and the lightbox shows…there is no context there either…but it is set to show. The only way I can get the context to show is to set the gallery to show the context.

    Phil Brouwer
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Phil Brouwer
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    Phil Brouwer
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    Phil Brouwer
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    I didn’t have to dive into file to figure out that the title/caption issue was related to the plugin settings.
    What you have here is a native WP gallery (handled with RLG).
    But the title/caption for the gallery images was disabled (set to none) in the settings – and it was enabled for single images only.
    After i’ve adjusted the settings and both are being displayed properly in a lightbox.

    However this results in the title/caption displayed in the gallery image thumbnails as well.
    If you’d used the Gallery Builder functionality you could control this one too and we really recommend you do so (especially that there will be more and more extra gallery stuff available in future releases).

    Otherwise, to hide the title/caption in the thumbnails just add that piece of CSS to your theme (for eg. in the Customizer Custom CSS):

    .rl-gallery-caption {
    display: none;
    Phil Brouwer
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Same problem.
    Caption, title, alt text doesn’t work on individual images opened by the lightbox.
    How to solve?

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