Sorry for my english. I need help, when I use the plugin the gallery doesn’t work. The problem is the selector.
Look: lightbox-0 (in each item adds different number 1, 2, 3….) the result= can’t scroll through your pictures in the gallery
<div id=”gallery-1″ class=”gallery galleryid-444 gallery-columns-3 gallery-size-thumbnail”>
<dl class=”gallery-item”>
<dt class=”gallery-icon”>

<dd class=”wp-caption-text gallery-caption”>
La fachada
<dl class=”gallery-item”>
<dt class=”gallery-icon”>

<dd class=”wp-caption-text gallery-caption”>
Uno de los dormitorios
<dl class=”gallery-item”>
<dt class=”gallery-icon”>

<dd class=”wp-caption-text gallery-caption”>
El salón
<p><br style=”clear: both”><br>
<br style=”clear: both;”>