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  • #39275

    I would like to add an icon before the notice text, however, there is no hook in the DOM tree that I could use. Is there any chance, you can add a span with id “cn-notice-icon” just before the “cn-notice-text” element? Simply put it within the “cookie-notice-container”, on same level as “cn-notice-text”. It does not need any styling, just a unique id.

    My suggestion:

    <div class="cookie-notice-container">
      <span id="cn-notice-icon"></span> <-- Add this please!
      <span id="cn-notice-text"></span>
      <span id="cn-notice-buttons"></span>

    This way I can use custom CSS to style the icon without forking your plugin.

    For users, who do not want any icon, the cookie notice does not change visually.


    Hey, anyone doin’ support here!?


    HELLOOO? Anyone? Is this a no-support support forum? *sigh*

    Above CSS hook would be greatly appreciated for improved customizability of the cookie notice.

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