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  • #18063
    Matej Kaninsky

    Hi, I checked for duplicates but none if the previous issues is the same.

    Responsive Lightbox works fine, when a purchased Photo Swipe is activated, no lightbox appears and a link goes straight to an PNG page.

    Tried reinstalling both plugins etc, nothing helped.
    I’m using Sydney Pro theme from Athemes and SiteOrigin bundle.


    Matej Kaninsky
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hey Matej,

    It’s because you have an outdated HTML syntax – rel=”lightbox” which is not supported by PhotoSwipe.
    Can you please try to enable Force lightbox option (in Responsive Lightbox).

    And reach us again if that does not help.

    Matej Kaninsky

    That worked! Perfect. Thank you.

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