Tagged: Ajax, html, iframe, inline, rel
Since updating to WordPress 4.0 and Responsive Lightbox 1.4.8, I’m unable to get HTML content to load using Nivo Lightbox.
(Starting a new topic so I can post private configuration info.)
Matt, can you point me to a link (a page on your site) that should open an HTML content in a lighbox? Because I see it working ok for images but can’t find the HTML link.
Hi Bartosz, any update? Thanks!
For anyone having the same issue, you need to add the following to load AJAX/iFrame/Inline HTML using Nivo:
Example: <a data-lightbox-type="iframe" rel="selector" href="http://example.com/">Example Iframe Link</a>
<a data-lightbox-type="iframe" rel="selector" href="http://example.com/">Example Iframe Link</a>
Source: http://docs.dev7studios.com/jquery-plugins/nivo-lightbox#jumpNav-7