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  • #3848
    Shaun Oster

    This is ideal for my client’s site. But he is using nextgen and Justified image grid. Hes not happy with any of the built-in lightboxes. I cant seem to get anything from this plugin to apply to the gallery. Any direction? Thanks!


    RL can definitely handle that but we’d need to take a look at the site to see haw image link look like in nextgen gallery.

    Shaun Oster

    Hi Bartosz!

    Thats the page.
    When I use Fancybox it conflicts with his video plugin (vimeography). However, Nivo looks quite ideal
    Right now nivo is working on the blog page, its just catching anything in Justified image grid which is drawing from Nextgen…


    Ok, it should be enough to manually add rel=”fancybox” (or fancybox-0 or any other selector you entered in RL settings) to all the image links in a gallery template file – find that and try that modification.

    Shaun Oster

    Thank you so much for your attention Bartosz.
    Is that the correct selector for Nivo Lighbox? (rel=”fancybox”)

    Please pardon my noobishness, greatful for the chance to learn more coding.


    Shaun, the correct selector no matter what script you use, it the one set in plugin settings.

    By default it’s “lightbox” (then you see it in the code as rel=”lightbox” or rel=”lightbox[gallery-x]” if it’s a gallery link), but you can modify that to anything you want. It looks like that you have it set to “fancybox”

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