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  • #32786

    I am trying to use the fancybox option but the navigation arrows disappear when I do. If I switch to the swipebox option, they show up. I have the toggle navigation arrows setting selected in the settings under fancybox so they should be set to show up but they don’t.

    Here is a link to a current post which has multiple images. I currently have the fancybox option chosen in my settings so you can see the nav arrows not showing.

    Note, the first image in the post is the featured image, which doesn’t have a click option when hovered.
    I am also wondering if there is a way to force that the featured image be included in the gallery and/or force that it be a clickable image when hovered so it can be included in the gallery for the post.

    thanks in advance for help!


    another note is that on my shop/products page, the arrows do show, however they only show when I am hovering in a particular spot and the spacing for the arrows is not the same on both sides. It seems odd you would have to guess where to hover in order to see that there is an arrow there. I would like the arrows to be on all the time.


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