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  • #525

    I’ve just published a site using your Responsive Lightbox plugin – I really like it. When I tested the plugin on my development server all seemed to be working perfectly.

    However, when I sent the site live today, I noticed that on my iPhone 5 and using the PrettyPhoto script in Safari mobile, there are some very strange results when viewing images in the lightbox. Sometimes they display OK, sometimes I just see a tiny white box with nothing in, sometimes a box with the navigation buttons, the close button and the full screen button all jumbled up together. On the live site I have used the other script for the time being, but this page on my development server is running the PrettyPhoto script still. I noticed that there was an update today and I wondered whether something may have gone wrong with that. As I say, I saw no problems when I tested it a few days ago.


    Rowena Padel

    I’m still encountering this problem. On the previously developed site I had to move to another solution. But I thought since there has been an update recently I’d try again. But it’s still the same. The gallery works perfectly, but when using the PrettyPhoto option (which my client would like to do) the image is tiny and completely overrun by the caption and the close,previous and next buttons.

    Please can you tell me if there is anything I can do about this. I really like the plugin, but cannot use it like this.



    I tested your site on desktop and Android mobile, and everything works fine. I’m not using Apple so just can’t diagnose this, sorry.

    Rowena Padel

    Ah, this is not working on iPhone4 or iPhone5. I don’t have Android. What a shame, it really renders it unusable. Has anyone else encountered this? Just in case it’s something in my own custom theme that’s causing it?

    Thanks for the quick reply Bartosz.

    liz springate

    Hello Bartosz.
    I am seeing similar strange and unpredictable behaviour of the prettyPhoto lightbox with iPad and iPhone. Mainly the images are too large for the viewing space (holding it vertically or horizontally). If i click or use finger gestures to reduce the viewing size, I see only the darkened background of the lightbox.

    Here is the link:

    I understand from the conversation above that you are not using Apple. How do you suggest a fix for the users who will be viewing the site on iPads and iPhones?

    Thanks in advance! I really like this plugin and don’t want to use anything else.


    @liz, try using other scripts shipping with the plugin. prettyPhoto, as I explained somewhere else, is a bit older than Swipebox or Nivo Lightbox. Thus it’s responsiveness might to be perfect especially on newer devices.

    liz springate
    This reply has been marked as private.

    I mean the script thath you have in RL options: prettyPhoto, fancyBox, Swipebox and Nivo Ligthbox.

    liz springate
    This reply has been marked as private.

    I think point 2 also refers to point 1 – you need to remove the lightbox script used by your theme to remove the conflicts.

    But that is a task for you or your theme developer.

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