Tagged: manual watermarking
Hello! Great work on the plugin! Thank you very much for your hard work.
I’m just trying to get watermarks implemented on pre-existing images.
When I do… I get this: http://www.bestleather.org/21-8-off-select-purchases-at-renaissance-leather/
Little help? :)
Two questions:
1. what about automatic watermarking? Does it behave the same? 2. what is the image format you are using as a watermark image?
Automatic watermarking works perfectly! See the bottom image on this post: http://www.bestleather.org/an-ode-to-quality/
The image I am using is a PNG.
There should be no difference as we’re using exactly the same functions.
What kind of PNG it is? 8 bit or 24 bit? Please try both and see if it makes the difference.
Ok, I used the same image for both processes. I’ll try it out.
The PNG I am using is 32 bit, BTW.
I think I figured it out… I have been watermarking my watermark. Doh! The problem started when I did the manual watermark on my most recently uploaded photos… The watermark being one of them…
Thanks for the help!