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  • #18762
    Todd Wheeler

    I just installed Justified Gallery, and wanted to link each image in my gallery to a web page, instead of to a modal image. Can I add this to my shortcode, or must I override the “link to” in another way?

    Thanks and regards,
    P.S., Unfortunately, my site is behind a firewall, so I cannot link you to it.

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    Todd Wheeler

    Thank you, Bartosz!

    I downloaded and installed the new version, and made a “bricks” light gallery with the following shortcode: [gallery type="justified" ids="70,69,757,68,66,65"]

    Am I overlooking a setting within the interface for Justified Gallery? I interpreted your response about the links not being handled in “RL Justified Gallery” to mean that I would need to provide the HTML links in another location… perhaps like providing an image id from my gallery with a linked URL, i.e.,

    [gallery type="justified" ids="70<a href=>,69,757,68,66,65"]

    I’m sure that my syntax is wrong, but I’m just trying to better illustrate my question.

    Thanks and regards,


    When you insert a gallery into post content you have a couple of settings to choose from:
    Type (gallery type)

    What you should be interested in is Link option – None, Attachment Page or Media File.
    Just set it to Attachment page and the gallery image will not get opened in a lightbox on a click, but an image attachment page will be opened instead (an attachment URL, a permalink).

    Is that what you’re trying to achieve?


    What you should be interested in is Link option – None, Attachment Page or Media File.
    Just set it to Attachment page and the gallery image will not get opened in a lightbox on a click, but an image attachment page will be opened instead (an attachment URL, a permalink).

    I’ve been searching the forum and docs for an answer to pretty much the same question: I would like to be able to customize the URL, instead of pointing to the image’s permalink.


    Was there ever a resolution to this? Looking to add a Custom Link on images to an External Link. Still only seeing Link To: Attachment Page, None, Media File. Please advise.


    Hello, I would also like to get a solution. Clicking on the gallery thumbnail should display a post page instead of the lightbox. I would be very grateful for a solution!
    Greetings Rue

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