Hi there.
Very nice plugin. The only one that works ok on mobile AND desktop without any issues.
However: Is it possible to use it with infinite scroll ?
I need a callback function. On previous plugin it was:
if(typeof doLightBox !== ‘undefined’ && typeof jQuery !== ‘undefined’){ doLightBox(); }
It’s definitely possible but it would require some modifiactions in front.js file of the plugin – the one that applies lightbox to selectors. You could try to use jquery .on function (http://api.jquery.com/on/) instead of $('a[rel*="'+rlArgs.selector+'"]').swipebox({
or $('a[rel*="'+rlArgs.selector+'"]').prettyPhoto({
depending on which script you are using.
Actually I don’t know js. But it was quite a lot easier. I just copied all the front.js into the infinite scroll plugin function call and works like a charm :)
I am using the infinit scroll plugin along with your responsive lightbox plugin. All works great except when you scroll down (paginate) to the next 10 posts load on my homepage. These posts or any below that load with infinite don’t display images when clicked in responsive lightbox (see on my site: I tried solutions mentioned in this thread with no luck. Any help on how to get this to work would be much appreciated.