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  • #20573
    Peter Dobinson

    Still working through FanciBoxPro

    I have set ‘show caption’ to display ‘image caption’… have tried all other options also… it appears that the only caption that appears/displays is that of the ‘first’ image – all other images show no caption.
    Another thing is – it seems ‘basic’ Responsive Lightbox needs to remain ‘activated’… if I deactivate it, I can no longer edit ‘Pro’… is ‘basic’ required to remain activated?

    My website is
    any product page, for example:

    will show the gallery in default WP/Woo format… kind’a clumsy, all images in a column format.
    Prior to WP upping to V3-whatever, using your Responsive Lightbox (light) the gallery displayed nicely in a grid, with lightbox opening OK….
    I’ve set up Responsive Lightbox-Pro to ‘endless scroll’… you’ll see that the only caption to display is that of the ‘first image’ – have checked my images – they all have alt text, caption, title, descriptions.

    I have looked at Justified Gallery today… looks OK for my purposes…

    Peter Dobinson

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