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  • #20503
    Heinz Robert

    What I have to do to show pictures behind a link?
    How do I create a hidden gallery, where does the plugin load the images from? From another page or do I need a gallery plugin with a shortcode?

    Heinz Robert

    Maybe I can put my question more specific.
    I am using Elementor and have 5 images which I like to link to 5 different hidden galleries. Do I link to a specific page where I have created a gallery, or show I put the gallery directly in the text element in Elementor?
    I have done that currently with FooBox, but like to change to your plugin.


    To use the Hidden gallery go to your post edit screen and use the Add Media button.
    Then create a regular WordPress gallery – select the images from Media Library. While adding a gallery you will have an option – Gallery type, added by Hidden Gallery (and our other gallery addons – if you have them).
    In result you’ll have a gallery shortcode with th id’s of images,

    In the post edit screen please have a look at the help tab (upper right corner) as there are additional shortcode parameters described there, or just setup your default settings in RL Gallery tab.

    Hope this helps

    Heinz Robert

    What if I have more than one galleries on one page/post, will the link show all the pictures or can I link to one specific gallery?

    Heinz Robert

    And than how to link an image to the gallery? I can’t link to a shortcode. Do I link to the first image of the gallery?

    Heinz Robert

    I have setup a post with a hidden gallery but with click on the thumbnail it only opens the bigger version of it, not to the gallery.
    [gallery thumbnail="264" mode="image" type="hidden" show_title="0" ids="22,23,30,29,28,27,26,25,24,31,32,33,34,35,36,37"]


    Your syntax is fine and the gallery shortcode is fine as well.
    It can’t work however as lightbox is not working on this page because of the javascript error:

    TypeError: i(…).offset(…) is undefined 1 main.min.js:1:4349

    If you fix that it should display the gallery in a lightbox.

    Heinz Robert

    I tried different things from deactivating all other Lightbox possibilities (Jetpack, FooBox) and also deactivate a javascript snippet I use for the parallax effect in Elementor. All did not change the issue.
    Any hints how to find the cause for this error? Where have you found it.

    By the way I don’t get emails when you respond to the post even I have clicked the box at “Notify me of follow-up replies via email”.!


    In the main.min.js file – but might be related to other issues.

    Can you provide admin access to your site – we’ll have a look.

    Regarding the email notifications – can you check your spam/trash folder? It’s definitelly sent.

    Heinz Robert

    Hi, did you receive my last private message with the admin link?


    Nope, we have not received anything – will check that.

    This reply has been marked as private.
    Heinz Robert

    Got the private message!

    I got the plugin running.
    One more question: Is there a possibility to hide the thumbnail in the slideshow?

    Heinz Robert

    Any idea how to hide the thumbnail picture from the slideshow?


    Trying to help you with that we’ve just added a Hidden Gallery section to documentation – hope this helps

    Heinz Robert

    That’s great, its a good documentation!
    Anyhow I see the image I load with thumbnail=”” and it shows up in the slideshow. How can I get rid of it? Did not find that in the documentation.


    Do I understand you correctly – you’d like to have thumbnail removed from the set of images in gallery?

    Well, we haven’t thought of an option like that – whenever you have a gallery there is a thumbnail representation of the larger image. The logic is the same in this case.

    Heinz Robert

    You understand right.
    So what’s the purpose of the thumbnail=”” code than, if I could also just take the first image of the gallery instead?

    All thumbnails except the thumbnail image under the slideshow are missing. Is that caused by the hidden gallery?
    I did not get any response on my other post and I might not be the only one having that issue.


    The purpose of this is to select an image to be used as a gallery trigger.
    But this is still a part of the gallery, not a separate thing.

    All the other image links are hidden, but available in HTML so that lightbox scripts can use it – and this is done by Hidden Gallery.


    Hello! I’m also using Elementor.
    Could you explain, how to insert shortcode with hidden gallery into image?


    I want to open different galleries by clicking separate images on page.
    How to put link to gallery in them?


    Just go to Galleries and create a new gallery (or modify existing).
    Click Config tab, set the Gallery type to Hidden and find Mode option.
    There you can either chose between Text or Image.
    If you set it as Image a featured gallery image will be used as the gallery link.
    If you select Text the text string you enter will be used as the gallery link.
    Then just use the gallery shortcode in your page/post content or a function in the theme files.

    Jeff LaMonica

    I have created my galleries, selected mode: hidden, and chosen a featured image for each. I am using Elementor and inserted the shortcode blocks (and the galleries’ respective shortcodes) into the page. The featured image is not displaying. The first image in the gallery is displaying, and I’ve got some image alignment issues within both columns that don’t appear in the Elementor previews.

    Scroll down near the bottom of this page under “Real Weddings”:

    Thank you. I hope you’re still monitoring this.

    Northlands nj

    That’s great; it’s good documentation!
    I see the image I load with thumbnail=,” and it shows up in the slideshow. How can I get rid of it? I did not find that in the documentation.

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