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  • #1548
    kola temidayo

    Thanks for the good work you have done on the watermark plugin. Well I have an issue here. Watermark does not apply to images already uploaded but working fine with newly uploaded images. Pls help with that.
    Also, I tried to you bulk action in the media to achieve this but I got this error

    Warning: imagecreatefromjpeg() [function.imagecreatefromjpeg]: gd-jpeg, libjpeg: recoverable error: Premature end of JPEG file in /home/afrophot/public_html/stock/wp-content/plugins/image-watermark/image-watermark.php on line 1258

    Warning: imagecreatefromjpeg() [function.imagecreatefromjpeg]: ‘/home/afrophot/public_html/stock/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/BREN10022.jpg’ is not a valid JPEG file in /home/afrophot/public_html/stock/wp-content/plugins/image-watermark/image-watermark.php on line 1258

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/afrophot/public_html/stock/wp-content/plugins/image-watermark/image-watermark.php:1258) in /home/afrophot/public_html/stock/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 899


    Kola, can you post a screenshot from the page where this error occurs. And please confirm – does automatic watermarking works fine?

    kola temidayo

    It does work well with newly uploaded images since I set it up. The issue is that old watermark wont be removed whenever I try to use the bulk action manual watermark that your plugin embeded. Also, I cant seem to add watermark to existing images.
    pls see the website at (the watermark you see there are the old ones I want to manually removed. However I already set up you plugin and it is just great and working for new images.
    Pls can you recomend for me any website where I can buy a stock images web app like


    Kola, to make manual watermarking work you need to set Apply watermark during any upload (not for selected post types).

    Watermark will not be removed if you apply it again – it will be applied again. If you’d like to remove it you need to regenerate images using Ajax Thumbnails Rebuild or Regenerate Thumbnails plugin.

    Alex Ibiza

    I have the same problem as Kola and a lot of other people here in the Forum, too. I cannot add watermark to already uploaded images. I go to the Media Library, click all images i like to watermark and under “Bulk Options” i say “Apply Watermark” and click “Apply” – the server needs a few seconds, says “Watermark was succesfully applied to 6 images.” – but nothing happens. Only new uploaded images gets watermarked.
    My settings:
    Automatic watermarking – on
    Manual watermarking – on
    Enable watermark for – selected all size i like
    Automatic frontend watermarking – off
    Plugin deactivation – off

    Any idea?
    Thank you,


    Alex, we’ll push an update shortly because this is not precisely described in plugin setting. But for now if you want to manually watermark images you have to set Apply watermark during any image upload (not on selected post types) and it should be ok.

    Curtis Ellis

    Hello Bartosz,

    We are having the same issue. Our watermark does not appear on any of the images. Initially, a couple of months ago, it worked fine, but now has simply disappeared.

    Thanks for your help.

    Curtis Ellis
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Curtis Ellis


    We started a separate post as not to interfere with the user who posted this one. Our post is at:

    Thanks kindly,

    Donna Klinton

    Hi there
    I have tried to add image watermark using this code which is from google:

    //Create an instance of Image and load an existing image
    using (Image image= Image.LoadImageFromFile(@”C:\1.bmp”));
    Graphics graphics = new Graphics(image);
    RasterEdgeImaging.Font font = new RasterEdgeImaging.Font(“Times New Roman”, 16, FontStyle.Bold);
    RasterEdgeImaging.Brushes.SolidBrush brush=new RasterEdgeImaging.Brushes.SolidBrush();
    image.CreateWatermark(“watermark”, font, brush, new PointF(image.Width/2, image.Height/2));
    But it display nothing after i entering it.What’s wrong with this code?Is there any free image tool which supports to do that in dfactory?Thanks a lot


    Donna, the code you posted has nothing to do with our plugin or WordPress itself.

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