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  • #4952
    Fagbemi Osinuga

    I installed the plugin but have no idea how to display the events list on the specified page.

    I used the shortcode: [em-full-calendar] but the page is distorted.


    Hello Fagbemi,

    [em-full-calendar] shortcode is for events calendar display, not the events list.

    I suggest creating a page template and using a custom events query (


    Hi. I came for your plugin since I readed about being optimized for using less resources on server, and about dFactory Team plugins quality.

    I am newbie on WP, I can touch on code without fear but I need a guide to “where” to touch.

    As I’ve seen there is not shortcodes yet, but [em-full-calendar]
    Is it possible to show some examples, or tutorial, or sample code, at least a bit so many not-so-power-users can use this plugins beneficts?

    I suposse that show page by category/taxonomy or monts-by-list are most usable features to get ride.

    thanks for your work on it.


    I agree with you, taht the EM documentation is focused on developers, and is lacking some basic setup guide. We’ll try improve that.

    But for now, we’ll try to help you using this support forum.

    I usually start with creating some categories, locations, events. Then setup a page for calendar (via admin settings) and events permalinks. If my events base slug is “events” create a page (native Page) and name it “Events” (make sure your “Events” page slug is exactly the same as events base slug).

    This is the page were you can display your events without any shortcodes or code jugging.


    Hi Bartosz, thanks for your fast reply.

    Yes, thanks.
    so, for wiki:
    ++ whit permalinks ON, create EVENTS page name (whit “events” slug) from admin

    Now, What shoul’d I touch on php to create a taxonomy-event-category OR taxonomy-event-tag page?

    It seams that the use of WP_Query class is the key, but where should we use that code?
    if you can attach somewhere a small example to download and try, could be great and fast.

    regards and thanks again


    The answer is – you don’t have to do anything as the plugin includes all the template files required to publish events list, single event, event categories, tags, locations and organizers.

    You may however wish to override default templates by copying the files located in plugin folder / templates to your theme.

    You may also modify each of the templates display without copying the files but using plugin action and filter hooks.

    Basically all you need to get familiar with how EM works is to take a closer look at templates mentioned above and includes/template-functions.php and includes/template-hooks.php files responsible for the frontend display.


    How can I get the associated location data for an event when using WP_Query?


    Hmm… you can’t. Because WP_Query provides post data (event) not term data (location).

    You can get location data using any of the below:

    em_get_location($location_id) – get single location and associated data of single location
    em_get_locations_for($post_id) – get all locations (and associated data) of an event by it’s id
    em_get_locations($args) – get all location and associated data of all locations, $args is optional, but basically it’s exactly like get terms with predefined taxonomy (event-location)

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