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  • #24574


    to me my questions sound simple, but I was not able to find an answer, neither in the Docs section nor in the forum.
    I tested “Responsive lightbox” (the free version up to now). It’s all fine on larger screens (PC) but I’m not satisfied with the function on smaller screens (mobile phone).
    I’m missing a fullscreen option, a way to show gallery pictures on the full screen of the mobile phone and swipe through the pictures, similar to photo galleries installed as apps on a phone.
    But none of the lightboxes gives this feature. On some the images can be zoomed by pinching with 2 fingers, like people are used to, but usually it gives strange result, navigation through the photos is no longer possible.

    Have I missed a setting?
    Maybe one of the paid add-ons is needed to have a mobile full screen feature?

    Thank you for your help



    And thanks for your question.

    A nicely designed full size feature is available in the 3 addons:
    Fancybox Pro – https://dfactory.co/products/fancybox-pro/
    Lightgallery – https://dfactory.co/products/lightgallery-lightbox/
    and PhotoSwipe – https://dfactory.co/products/photoswipe-lightbox/

    You can try the demos under the urls above and choose your preffered one.

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