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  • #799
    Jorge Diez Prada

    Good morning,

    I can´t see any event. Even in the back-end, once I published it, it doesn´t appeare in the list.Always the same massege “No events found”

    Before to publish the event, I click on preview and the page show the massege “Sorry, no content matched your criteria.”

    I saved in Permalinks in WP install but no result.

    Yesteday, I update to the last version and I get a new error in the plugin:
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘)’ in /homepages/20/d490257349/htdocs/cassette_magazine/wp-content/plugins/events-maker/includes/query.php on line 440

    Please, I really like this pluging and I would like to use it.

    Can you help me?

    Jorge Diez Prada
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    Ok Jorge,

    The problem was, that you did not set start and end date for your events, while at the same time events were sorted by event start date (which was not present).

    I changed that to sorting by publish date It will work now. If you add dates to your events you can use sorting by those values as well.

    Jorge Diez Prada

    Thank you so much for fix these error but now, I get other errors when you visualize the event:

    Warning: Illegal string offset ‘google_map’ in /homepages/20/d490257349/htdocs/cassette_magazine/wp-content/plugins/events-maker/templates/single-event.php on line 19

    Warning: Illegal string offset ‘price_tickets_info’ in /homepages/20/d490257349/htdocs/cassette_magazine/wp-content/plugins/events-maker/templates/single-event.php on line 38
    Category: Rock
    Location: Santiago Bernabeu
    Warning: Illegal string offset ‘display_location_details’ in /homepages/20/d490257349/htdocs/cassette_magazine/wp-content/plugins/events-maker/templates/single-event.php on line 84
    Organizer: yo
    Warning: Illegal string offset ‘display_organizer_details’ in /homepages/20/d490257349/htdocs/cassette_magazine/wp-content/plugins/events-maker/templates/single-event.php on line 108

    Jorge Diez Prada

    Also event date and time don´t keep save when you publish the event.


    Exactly, no meta values are saved. It shouldn’t be like that. You had some JS error, but it’s not that. We’re looking at that.

    Jorge Diez Prada

    Thank you so much.

    I apreciate your help.


    Jorge, can I ask you something? PLease make a fresh WP install with default themes and plugins, download and activate Events Maker and see if all the problem we have now, will remain or it starts working fine.

    Sorry, but I’ve not seen anything like that in my WP experience.

    Jorge Diez Prada

    Ok. I will do that. I will tell you when everything will be set again.

    Jorge Diez Prada

    I did new installation of WP and I still have the same problem…

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    Jorge Diez Prada
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    Jorge Diez Prada
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    Jorge Diez Prada

    I did the new installation and looks thateverything is working now!!!!

    I´m going to leave open the access for you for some days but hopefully you won´t need it.

    Thank you so much for your support!!!!


    Great! Does saving event start & end date work too?

    Jorge Diez Prada

    Yes, now it´s saving everything.

    Is there anyway for not showing in the front-end the end date of the event?


    Yes, there are many was, but the best is to use plugin templates – copy it from plugin dir into the theme and then modify to suite your needs (you can read about that Templates settings)

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