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  • #34135

    I have kinda got the Plugin working how I want it.

    The last issue I have is Media Folders. I want to use these but when the images are displayed in the Gallery, I can’t reorder them in the gallery and I can’r re-order them in the Media Folder. It looks like the only way to so it is to add them to the Media folder in the order I want them displayed which is pretty useless especially when adding pics later.

    I know I can change the sort order in the gallery to ID / Date etc. but a custom order is important to me as it tells a story.


    This doesn’t seem to work.

    It will let me re-order pics in the Gallery if they are pulled from the Media Library, but not if they are in a Media Folder which makes it pretty useless.

    It won’t let me “drop” it anywhere Doc extract which doesn't work


    I tried renaming the “Title” of the images in the Media Folder to A,B,C,D etc, than sort the Gallery by Title but it doesn’t even seem to honour that !

    Unless I am missing something (and that’s entirely possible !) Media Folders seem useless unless you don’t care what order the images are displayed in.


    I’m having this same exact problem.

    But evidently there is no support around here, I posted another thread (on how to use media folders in the first place) weeks ago, with no response.

    Very disappointed at the lack of help for a paid product like this.

    larry niles

    I’m having the same problem, I cant order the pictures the way I need, and I am getting no response from Dfactory

    larry niles

    I tried adding them in the order in the gallery without effect. I put consecutive numbers in the titles and it re-ordered but not consecutively. I’ve written a number of emails without response. I guess i should move on to another plugin


    Long ago this thread. The problems is still the same. There is obviously no possibility to oder re-order images in a personal way. Very poor!


    Hi all,

    Sorry we didn’t respond on this – there were other priorities for the plugin.
    But we’ll look into the possibility of doing this.

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