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  • #4884
    Ray Q


    Your plugin does a great job – but I’ve run into a tricky and very time consuming problem.

    Our client liked the first watermark – we added it to thousands of images, then he changed his mind.

    I tried to change the watermark design and add it again, but it adds a double watermark – clearly the plugin takes the resized image and applies the watermark to this ( it’s pretty logical ).

    However, I also think it would be as logical to take the original ( full ) size image and resize then watermark – this would ensure a clear image each time, plus greater control over the image quality.

    Is this possible or a massive change – or just a bad idea?




    In such case you should use one of the image regeneration plugins, for example Regenerate Thumbnails or Ajax Thumbnail Rebuild. Those plugin do just that – regenerate all image sizes and restore it to an original.

    The best solution would be to empower Image Watermark with that kind of bulk image regeneration or hook into one of those plugins image regeneration process – we’ll think of it.

    Ray Q


    Thanks for your quick answer.

    I’m a big fan of Ajax Thumbnail Rebuild, that’s one of the first plugins I add to most sites – however, in this case, there are far too many image files on the client site and there is no way to break the images into batches – the plugin simply timesout.

    One route you could take would be to generate the image from the full sized original ( Core WP would already provide the functions for this ) – then apply the watermark as you do now – simply adding a new first step before each image is generated.

    I don’t have time now ,but perhaps later this year I could look into providing a patch to add this functionality.

    Thanks for your hard work.



    Hmm… that’s strange it times out.

    This is Ajax driven code, so each image should be treated separately. Maybe you could adjust server setting to work for that large number of files as well – just guessing.

    When it comes to the plugins – I analysed both plugins code an there is no option to hook into this, so maybe it;s time for another, more flexible plugin for that functionality :)

    Nonetheless, thank’s for your suggestions Ray,

    Ray Q


    The plugin is dealing with a lot of very large images in a wide range of sizes ( lots of work ), and it’s on the production server – so I can’t leave it running endlessly – in the end, I’ll either have to revert the images from a backup – or download the entire site and run the plugin locally – adding a large timeout to php.ini.

    But, neither would be required if the watermarked image were remade from the original – which I made sure not to apply the watermark to ( almost better to not allow that as an option? ).

    As I said, I’d love to dive into this and have a look at hacking together a good solution, but I’m simply not in a position to do that until later in the year

    Thanks again :)



    We’ll be looking into this this month maybe – I’ll keep in mind our conversation.

    Ray Q

    Thanks a lot for your time and consideration.


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