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  • #328

    I get a Captcha time expired error message regardless of the time I choose. It is currently 300 and that doesn’t work either.

    I am using WordPress 3.5.1

    Any suggestions.



    Are you using the most recent version ( Where does the error occur (on login? comments? bbpress?)


    I am currently LOCKED OUT of my own website over this stupid plug in. My settings are set to 300 seconds as well, it has taken me 15 seconds to complete the log in information and math equation and the time expired error still pops up.

    I am furious! So much so that filling out this math problem or this comment is pissing me off.


    Hi Lissa,

    It should not supposed to be like that and we’ll definitely take a look at that in the future. But for now just delete the plugin via FTP from your site (wp-content/plugins/wp-math-captcha) or ask your hosting provider to do so. It will remove the math captcha field and authorization.


    Your plug-in has locked me out of my employers site.
    After installing, it will not let me log back in.


    That’s the second time we have that kind of problem. It works perfectly on a couple of our sites, so we’d need a deeper look into your site to test. If provide an admin access to your site using Set as private reply option we’ll try to find out why it happens.


    We have had to have our provider remove the plugin.


    I had the same issue today. Debugging, it appears that the mc_session_id cookie never gets set, which I discovered was because of the call to current_time(timestamp).

    Here’s what I believe is happening:
    current_time(timestamp) defaults to output in the user’s timezone, unless you specify the second parameter as 1 or true.
    As I understand it, cookies exist in GMT only (Seconds since epoch, therefore timezone independent). If your timezone is GMT or is ahead of GMT, you might still see the plugin function, as it would expire in (timezone difference + timeout value). GMT+1 would expire in 65 minutes; GMT+2 would expire in 125 minutes. As I am in GMT-4, it would expire 235 minutes before the cookie is set, therefore the cookie is ignored, or never set. My browser never sees the cookie request from the server.

    If I change this to current_time(timestamp, true) it works as expected (verified the expiration time is set to now + timeout)


    Aaron, thank you so much! We’ll definitely check it out and release an update ASAP.


    Hi Bartosz,

    First of all, Thanks for making this plugin available for free.

    I also hit the same “time expired” error. Our server is in New York. So our timezone is EST.

    I can confirm that Aaron’s suggestion fixes the problem. More specifically:

    To fix, edit plugins/wp-math-captcha/wp-math-captcha.php and change:

    setcookie(‘mc_session_id’, $this->session_id, current_time(‘timestamp’) + apply_filters(‘math_captcha_time’, $this->options[‘time’]), COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN);


    setcookie(‘mc_session_id’, $this->session_id, current_time(‘timestamp’, true) + apply_filters(‘math_captcha_time’, $this->options[‘time’]), COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN);


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