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  • #23991

    I have tried everything to remove the watermark off some of my photos, with no luck.. the option is there to remove but there is no save option.. so it shows it removed but when I go back to my gallery it is still on there..

    Plus some of my photos are blurred out .. please let me know if there is any updates to this plugin to fix this issue.. thanks


    Hi there! I know an online watermark tools that will help you with your problem. Last time, just like you I’m looking for a tool that I can use to remove watermark from photo, then I accidentally come up with this article “How to Remove Watermark from image” and saw this tools namely “WebinPaint,Apowersoft Online Watermark Remover and Photo stamp REMOVER”. They really works on a photo with watermarks. Try these tools, it might help you a lot.

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