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  • #24596
    Wolf Kettler

    My Justified Gallery licence expired at the end of March. Tried to renew but all I got was a plain text error message in Paypal. My Purchase History shows this transaction twice as “pending”.

    I have already tried to contact you twice about this and did not get a reply. Fed up with having to spend so much time just trying to figure out how I can pay you.


    Hi Wolf,
    We’ve checked your products and payments.

    It look you had a Justified Gallery license when before we switched to subscription payments and this migt be the reason you can’t extend it for another year.
    To have the product again you’d have to purchase a subscription license for Justified Gallery.
    In other words make the purchase again from our site.

    Hope that fixes the issue.

    If not, please reach us again, we’ll try to handle that differently.

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