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  • #213
    Phil Crow

    Cannot get any images watermarked. Tried with Automatic and Manual watermarking switched on. Still nothing.
    I have image protection checked on as well. This is doing nothing either.
    It is acting as if the plug-in is not activated (before anyone says, yes it is!)
    Any suggestions would be great :)


    To make plugin works you have to at least (settings page):
    – turn on “Automatic watermarking” for uploading new images or “Manual watermarking” for images already in Media Library,
    – set watermark image
    – set image sizes on which watermark should appear.

    That is it. :)

    If you still have problems please respond.

    Phil Crow

    on the media page I ‘bulk action’ apply watermark. Click apply. The page says watermark applied successfully but when I view the images there is nothing there.
    original size of my png file to use as watermark is 346×120 px set to scale down to 50% with image at an opacity of 70% set for the middle of the image.


    Did you refresh page with your images after watermarking? Sometimes WP shows old (cached) images. Try to force-refresh (CTRL+F5) site or download images (sizes selected in settings) and check them for your own.

    Please tell us which image sizes you selected?
    Is it ‘specific custom post’ type or ‘all’ images?
    Can you provide link to watermark and image?

    Phil Crow

    page was refreshed and cache cleared. I also tried a different browser.

    Image sizes are 600x600px
    watermark is set back to scaled (30%) centre
    watermark is to apply to all images

    I have deactivated and reactivated the plugin too


    Please provide a link to your site, and temporary admin access so we could take a look in more detail. Just use Set as private reply option at the bottom – your data will be safe.

    Phil Crow
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    This reply has been marked as private.

    In my opinion it does not work because you did not set anything in “Enable watermark for”. You have to check some image sizes. :)

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