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  • #1142
    Dane Kavanaugh

    I primarily use flickr to showcase my photos and have tried to find many work arounds that are automated…however “slidemypics” code needs to be updated every time I add a new photo to a photo set.

    On my “gallery” page I have 4 different categories of picture galleries(automotive, children and maternity, Architecture and travel, and Portraiture). Each picture for the galleries links to a separate page that automatically starts a slideshow of my photo sets from flickr. Can this responsive lightbox be used in place of slidemypics? Id like to be able to have the visitors select a gallery (lets say the Automotive gallery) and a lightbox pop up that scrolls through my pictures in my automotive photo set on flickr.

    Here is the link to my galleries page http://www.xposedcreations.com/photo-galleries/

    Can this be accomplished?


    Flickr gallery is an iframe element (it’s outsourced), so it can’t be run at least using swipebox mode. If you switch to prettyphoto or fancybox this could be opened in a lightbox, but it would still be the same flickr gallery as it is now.

    However I think what you described above could be achieved but you’d have to insert flickr image links in the post/page edit screens or manually insert image links to page templates.

    Dane Kavanaugh

    Damn! Im not really wanting to add every single image link every time I upload new photos, and Flickr seems to be behind the times with their slideshow creation (still Flash).

    I know the current gallery Im using is “outsourced” and Im trying to get a photoset linked to one of these lightboxes…without adding individual links.

    So, what youre saying, is that the complete photoset slideshow is not possible without manually adding each image URL, right?

    Thanks for the response BTW.

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