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  • #1331
    Dirk Offringa


    I would like to use Responsive lightbox, but don’t want my visitors to have a gallery displayed first. Is there any possibility to achieve that? I would like just to have a page with a featured image to click on, which will bring up the gallery just as it does when I use the rel=”lightbox” selector on a single post image, except that it should be linked to a gallery.



    WordPress galleries don’t work that. way, nor does Responsive Lightbox. It could be done but would require custom coding.

    Dirk Offringa


    I’m not afraid of digging into some code. Would you have a clue on where to start? That would save me some time….

    Most appreciated


    The main problem is that lightbox is applied to images that are available on the site. There are at least 2 possibilities I think.

    1) Very basic (don’t know if it’ll work) – to include images on your post/page but to hide them using CSS class. All those images must also have a rel parameter set to for e.g lightbox[gallery-1]. You must have 1 image visible to be able to open the gallery and leave other thumbnails hidden.

    2. Better, but more complex is to load a page that contains image gallery through Ajax request. You’d need 1 image to serve as a gallery featured image. This image would also have to trigger Ajax call to load other gallery images (or a page/post that contains a gallery of images).

    Those are just a quick ideas, never tested. Please show us an example if you succeed using those or other methods.

    Good luck

    Dirk Offringa


    Thanks. I, of course, had already thought about your 1st suggestion. It’s indeed the easiest one. I hadn’t thought about the 2nd one. I will investigate that as well. I’ll post about my findings!



    Would be great if you could share your solution Dirk. It seems like I’m after the same thing like you :)

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