I am using the plugin in French language, and the translation seems to be incomplete.
In /wp-content/languages/plugins/download-attachments/download-attachments-fr_FR.po the line
msgid “Attachments”
does not exist. I have added it, created the translation, and run
msgfmt -o download-attachments-fr_FR.{mo,po},
but I see no change.
The problem seems worse in fact, as I have searched the plugin code for the css class of this un-translated text, as the source reads so:
<h3 class=”download-title”>Attachments</h3>
There is only one instance of “dowload-title” on line 59 of /includes/shortcodes.php. there, the “title” option is indeed:
__( ‘Attachments’, ‘download-attachments’ ),
which seems correct to me, but even when I change this “Attachments” to something else, the change is not reflected on the site. This seems like a bug to me, but I am at a loss to track down where it is happening.
Any help would be appreciated, as this is the most user-facing element of the plugin, and it is not getting translated correctly. For now, I have hidden the header outright with css:
div.download-attachments h3.download-title {
but this is not a solution of course.
Thanks in advance, and thank you for this really helpful and free plugin.
Best regards,