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  • #23931

    I am using the plugin in French language, and the translation seems to be incomplete.
    In /wp-content/languages/plugins/download-attachments/download-attachments-fr_FR.po the line
    msgid “Attachments”
    does not exist. I have added it, created the translation, and run
    msgfmt -o download-attachments-fr_FR.{mo,po},
    but I see no change.
    The problem seems worse in fact, as I have searched the plugin code for the css class of this un-translated text, as the source reads so:
    <h3 class=”download-title”>Attachments</h3>
    There is only one instance of “dowload-title” on line 59 of /includes/shortcodes.php. there, the “title” option is indeed:
    __( ‘Attachments’, ‘download-attachments’ ),
    which seems correct to me, but even when I change this “Attachments” to something else, the change is not reflected on the site. This seems like a bug to me, but I am at a loss to track down where it is happening.
    Any help would be appreciated, as this is the most user-facing element of the plugin, and it is not getting translated correctly. For now, I have hidden the header outright with css: {
    but this is not a solution of course.
    Thanks in advance, and thank you for this really helpful and free plugin.
    Best regards,



    Firstable it would best you create a translation for this plugin here: as each time new update arrives your translation will get lost.
    If you translate at least 95% of the plugin in the WP directory it will be automatically installed and updated with the plugin.

    Now regarding the issue, there’s alsa an Attachments text string in plugin settings. Maybe this is responsible?

    Or maybe we don’t get the context? Would be best if you could show us where it is being displayed on your site.


    Oh my… it was indeed the setting, so sorry for the bother, and thank you for your help.

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