Hi, I recently find a problem with “Responsive LightBox” plugin (maybe). I have others plugin that add image to the content using shortcodes and I’d like to add Lightbox to that image.
If I save the post with Elementor or Gutemberg all works fine, but if I use classic editor (old post) images are shown without lightbox.
I analyze the code and found that the do_shortcode function has a priority upper than “Responsive Lightbox” so when the add_lightbox function runs no image are found in content. I can solve the problem modifying line 30 of includes/class-frontend.php from
add_filter( 'the_content', array( $this, 'add_lightbox' ))
add_filter( 'the_content', array( $this, 'add_lightbox' ), 9999)
I think that 9999 is a good priority, can create some problem?