Photo & Art Bundle
All the Responsive Lightbox extensions to make your site beautiful and functional available in one Photo & Art bundle at a great price.
If you enjoyed the free Responsive Lightbox & Gallery plugin wait till you get your hands on these premium extensions that give you the power to customize the look and feel of your lightboxes and galleries to match your own style.
All the Responsive Lightbox extensions to make your site beautiful and functional available in one Photo & Art bundle at a great price.
Lightbox Comments is a unique plugin that integrates WordPress comment system with lightbox effect.
Inline Gallery is a sleek way to showcase your photos without ever worrying if you have enough space for them.
Expander Gallery is a modern, easy and intuitive gallery plugin inspired by Google Images. This is a grid gallery you’ve been looking for.
Mobile first, touch enabled, responsive and fully customizable lightbox for displaying images, videos and more.
Smart gallery plugin that allows you to put your photos where you want them and open in a lightbox with a text or single image link.
Lightgallery is a lightweight, mobile-friendly extension for displaying images in a fullscreen lightbox with unique CSS3 transitions.
Responsive Lightbox extension that turns any WordPress gallery into an awesome, lightweight and fully responsive slider.
Beautiful, fully responsive image lightbox that delivers a great experience on all devices, including touch gestures, zoom, social sharing..
Responsive Lightbox extension. It allows you to easilly convert your default gallery into Pinterest / Tumblr like photoset.
Responsive Lightbox extension. Strip is a unique lightbox that slides out from the edge of your screen and only partially covers the page.
Responsive Lightbox extension. Change the native WordPress gallery to a gallery that nicely fits your images into a justified grid.
Responsive Lightbox extension. Beautiful, flexible and responsive Lightbox to present various types of content famously.