The Responsive Lightbox and Gallery plugin comes with five types of settings: General, Lightboxes, Galleries, Builder, and Folders.
- General settings allow for universal configurations that stay the same across all Lightbox types.
- Lightboxes settings are to configure the settings of individual lightboxes. Lightboxes settings change depending on which lightbox you select.
- Galleries settings are to configure the global settings of the different galleries. You can configure each gallery independently. Gallery settings change depending on which gallery you select.
- Builder settings are to configure the Gallery Builder’s settings. You can enable the gallery builder and its categories and tags. It also lets you configure the gallery, categories, and tags permalink, enable archives, and select archives category.
- Folder settings are to configure the Media Folders’ settings. You can enable media folders, set media taxonomies, choose to display them in the menu, remove sub-folders when parent folder is deleted, and highlight folder’s row as a clickable area.
General Settings Page
Introduction Tour: Clicking on the Start Tour button will take you through a tour of the plugin that teaches you how to use it.
Lightbox Scripts: These scripts are the viewing styles for the image. You have an option for prettyPhoto, SwipeBox (the most popular kind), FancyBox, Nivo Lightbox, Image Lightbox, TosRUs, Featherlight, and Magnific Popup. There is also an option for premium extensions such as Justified Gallery and Lightcase Lightbox. When you select an script be sure to scroll to the bottom and click save.
The selector setting: This makes every image be defaulted to the selector “lightbox”. The selector is what triggers the lightbox effect. You would want to change this if you already are using “lightbox” as a selector for another plugin.
Images: This allows every image to have a lightbox as the default setting. If left unchecked images will lack a lightbox and will be displayed as configured in the display settings.
Single image title: This allows you to select a title for single images. You can choose from none, image title, image caption, image alt text, or image description.
Single image caption: This allows you to select a caption for single images. You can choose from none, image title, image caption, image alt text, or image description.
Single Image as Gallery: This allows a single image to be displayed as if it was part of a gallery of images.
Galleries: This allows galleries to have a lightbox by default. If left unchecked galleries will lack a lightbox and will be displayed as configured in the media settings. Different lightbox styles will display a gallery differently. The image below is a gallery in the prettyPhoto Lightbox style.
WordPress gallery: This option lets you select a default WordPress gallery style. You can choose from default, Basic Grid, Basic Slider, or Basic Masonry.
Builder gallery: This option lets you select a default builder gallery style. You can choose from Basic Grid, Basic Slider, or Basic Masonry.
WooCommerce gallery: When WooCommerce is activated, this option lets you select a WooCommerce product gallery style. You can choose from default, Basic Grid, Basic Slider, or Basic Masonry.
Gallery Image Size: This adjusts the size to thumbnail, medium, large or full-size.
Note: Selecting an option here overrides the configuration made in Display Settings.
Gallery Image Title: None, Image Title, Image Caption, Image Alt Text, Image Description. Selecting one of these options will give the image a Title in a gallery.
Gallery Image Caption: None, Image Title, Image Caption, Image Alt Text, Image Description. Selecting one of these options will give the image a caption in a gallery. This option works if it’s supported by the lightbox and/or gallery you’ve selected.
Videos: Gives a lightbox to videos. This effect will only work for videos that are linked (written out) on your site not embedded (automatically displayed).
When a user clicks on the link, a video lightbox is displayed.
Widgets: Gives a lightbox to widget content.
When a user clicks on the image, an image lightbox is displayed.
Comments: Gives a lightbox to comments content.
Force lightbox: Gives a lightbox for non-native WordPress galleries such as those found in JetPack
WooCommerce lightbox: This option replaces the native WooCommerce product gallery support with the plugin lightbox. In the WooCommerce Product section, a lightbox will only be triggered for images placed in the Short Product Description and images placed in the Product Gallery Section. However, if an image is placed in the Product Image section it will not be triggered unless there are images in the Product Gallery section.
WooCommerce Image Trigger Areas:
Custom Events: Triggers a lightbox on JQuery events such as ajaxComplete. You must define them. Custom Events would be used if a theme, plugin, or custom javascript is used to load images. Custom Events works by re-initializing the image to force a lightbox around it. AjaxComplete has been filled in as it is the most common one needed but it could be anything.
Loading Place: This allows the lightbox script to be loaded in the header or the footer.
Note: For speed purposes scripts should be placed in the footer.
Conditional Loading: Allows scripts to be loaded only on pages that have images in the post content area. This feature might used when you do not want a lightbox on pages which could be helpful in speeding up a site’s loading time. If galleries or images are in widgets or located anywhere else it is best to disable this.
Delete Data: When the plugin is deactivated the plugin settings are deleted.