The Gallery Builder enables the Gallery features in Responsive Lightbox and Gallery.
Builder Settings Page
You can access the Gallery Builder Settings page by navigating to Lightbox > Builder from the admin panel. The settings screen will look something like this:
Gallery Builder
Ticking the Gallery Builder checkbox enables the gallery builder feature in Responsive Lightbox and Gallery. When this option is unticked, the builder functionality is disabled and the Gallery menu item will no longer show up in the admin menu.
Ticking the Categories option will enable gallery categories. These are useful for keeping your galleries organized.
Ticking the Tags option will enable gallery tags. These are useful for keeping your galleries organized.
Gallery Permalink
Enter the gallery page slug you’d like to use in the input field. For example, if you enter rl_gallery, your galleries will be accessible through the permalink:
Categories Permalink
Enter the gallery categories archive page slug you’d like to use in the input field. For example, if you enter rl_category, your gallery category archives will be accessible through the permalink:
Tags Permalink
Enter the gallery tags archive page slug you’d like to use in the input field. For example, if you enter rl_tag, your gallery tag archives will be accessible through the permalink:
By ticking the Archives option, you can enable gallery archives on your site. If you’d like to disable gallery archives, simply untick this box.
Archives Category
You can choose which gallery category shows up in gallery archives. By default, this option is set to All.
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