Media Folders in the Media Library

The Media Folders feature in Responsive Lightbox and Gallery is designed to help you keep media files (images, videos, audio, and attachments) organized in your Media Library. It mimics how you work with files and folders on your computer – making it incredibly easy and intuitive to use.

You can enable the Media Folders feature in your Media Library by navigating to Lightbox > Folders from the admin menu and ticking the Folders option.

With the Media Folders feature enabled, you will be able to:

  • Create, name/rename, move, and delete folders from your Media Library.
  • Add media attachments to folders and sub-folders.
  • Get access to more options for Gallery Images (i.e. dynamically importing the contents of the folder to your gallery).

Default Media Library vs. Media Folders in the Media Library

Let’s take a look at the default Media Library and the Media Library with the Media Folders feature enabled to get a better understanding of the key differences between both options.

Default Media Library

This is how the default WordPress Media Library looks without the Media Folders option enabled:

Media Folders in the Media Library

With the Media Folders feature enabled, your Media Library will look something like this:

Notice how there’s a folder navigation sidebar on the left side of the Media Library. You can view your folders (parent folders) and subfolders in the navigation panel. You also have the option to create, edit, and delete folders using the navigation panel.

When you’re done creating, editing, or renaming a folder, you can use the Save Folder and Cancel command options to commit changes and proceed.

In addition to this, you can expand and collapse folders by clicking the black arrow next to the folder name in the navigation panel.

Media Library Modes

Grid View

Here’s what the Media Library looks like in Grid View with the Media Folders feature enabled:

Notice how the navigation panel is positioned to the left and you’re able to see the complete folder tree structure.

List View

Here’s what the Media Library looks like in List View with the Media Folders feature enabled:

In List View, the folder navigation options are available through the dropdown. You can also filter media files by type of media item, date, and media folder.

Bulk Select

Bulk Move Attachments

In Grid View, you can bulk move media files and attachments by following these steps:

  1. Click the Bulk Select button and select all of the media files you’d like to move.
  2. Drag and drop them to the folder (or sub-folder) you’d like to move them to in the navigation panel on the left.

Folder Structure

All Files: This folder contains all of the media files and attachments you’ve uploaded to your Media Library.

Root Folder: The Root Folder is an interim folder. It contains the folders/sub-folders you create and the media files and attachments that are in your Media Library that haven’t been added to a folder.

Folders: The folders you create will show up under the root folder (i.e. Root Folder > Your Folder). You can create sub-folders in folders. For example, the screenshot below shows a sub-folder Turtles created in a folder Animals. The media files in the sub-folders will not appear in their parent folders.

Attachment Details

When you open up an image in the Attachment Details pop-up screen, you will notice there’s a Folders dropdown. You can use this dropdown to move the selected media file to a different media folder (or sub-folder).