Images tab

The Images tab lets you select and modify the contents of the gallery. This is where you can select the image source for your gallery from. You can choose to select media files from the Media LibraryFeatured Content, or Media Folders.

By selecting the Media Library option, you’re able to select multiple images at once from your site’s Media Library and include them in your gallery.


The Featured Content option lets you create a gallery out of the images and featured images that you’ve added to various pages, posts, and custom post types. You’re able to specify the number of posts, select image sources (such as post thumbnails or images attached to posts), and much more.


The Featured Content option works dynamically. What this means is that it searches for and imports images from your pages/posts/custom post types on the fly. Once you have the settings configured, it’ll continue to import images into your gallery (based on your configuration settings) even when you add new pages and posts to your site i.e. it’ll automatically add an image to your gallery if you add it to your page/post/custom post type as a thumbnail/featured image or as an attachment. This option lets you create dynamic galleries.

By selecting the Media Folders option, you’re able to import images from any media folder that you’ve created in your Media Library. Once you select the media folder you’d like to import the images from, click the Update preview button. You can publish the gallery anywhere on your site. If you add images to the media folder, it’ll automatically add those images to your gallery. This option lets you create dynamic galleries.

You can re-order the contents of the gallery simply by dragging and dropping them into place. In addition to this, you can also edit/remove images from the gallery by hovering over them and clicking the respective option in the top-right corner of the image. The different options available to you include statusedit image, and remove image.


Enabling the status option lets you keep the selected image in your gallery but hides it in the gallery preview. The edit image option opens up the image’s Edit attachment screen from where you can edit the image’s URL, title, caption, alt text, and description. The remove image option allows you to exclude that particular image from the gallery.

Config tab

The Config tab lets you choose which gallery type you want to apply to your gallery. By default, you can choose from one of three options – Global (Basic Grid), Basic Grid, Basic Slider or Basic Masonry.

Note: The settings screenshot and options described below are for the default Global (Basic Grid) gallery. The settings screenshots and options for the Basic Grid, Basic Slider or Basic Masonry gallery can be found on their respective pages.



The size option allows you to select which image size to use for the thumbnail display of the gallery. You can choose from the default image sizes available with the theme you have activated on your site.

Link To

The link to option lets you specify where the image should link to. You can choose to link the image to an attachment page, media file, or none.

Order by

The order by option allows you to choose an ordering mechanism for the contents of the gallery. You can choose to order them by id, title, date, menu order, or random.


The order option allows you to specify whether the contents of the gallery should be in ascending order or descending order.


The columns option allows you to define the number of columns you want in your gallery.

If you have any of the premium gallery extensions activated on your site then you’ll be able to configure their settings directly from this tab i.e. all of the premium gallery extensions and their respective configuration options will show up here. It’ll look something like this:

Design tab

The Design tab lets you adjust your gallery’s design effects and colors. You can configure various options for all of the default and premium galleries except the Hidden Gallery.


Thumbnail title

The thumbnail title option lets you choose which title to display for the gallery thumbnails. By default, the option is set to Global.

Thumbnail caption

The thumbnail caption option lets you choose which caption to display for the gallery thumbnails. By default, the option is set to Global.

Thumbnail icon

The thumbnail caption option lets you select an icon to display for the gallery thumbnails. By default, the option is set to none.

Hover effect

You can choose from one of five different hover effects to assign to the thumbnails or choose not to assign any hover effect.

Title color

This option lets you select a title color for your gallery.

Caption color

This option lets you select a color for the captions in your gallery.

Background color

The background color option lets you select a color for the background of your gallery.

Background opacity

You can set the opacity (in percentage) of the gallery’s background using this option.

Border color

The border color lets you pick a color for the border of your gallery.

Border width

You can use the border width setting to set a width for each thumbnail image’s border in pixels.

Paging tab

The Paging tab allows you to adjust the pagination options for your gallery.

Use pagination

If this option is set to enabled, the pagination settings you configure from the Paging tab will be applied to the gallery. By default, the use pagination option is enabled.

Pagination type

The pagination type option lets you select the type of pagination you’d like to apply to the gallery. You can choose from standardAJAX, and infinite scroll. By default, the pagination type is set to standard.

Pagination position

The pagination position option lets you select where you’d like to display the pagination navigation buttons. You can choose from bottomtop, and top & bottom. By default, the pagination type is set to bottom.

Images per page

The images per page option lets you set how many images you’d like to display on each page. By default, the value is set to 10.

Load More

The load more option lets you choose how you’d like to load more pages for the infinite scroll pagination type. You can choose between automatically and on click. By default, the value is set to automatically.

Lightbox tab

The Lightbox tab allows you to adjust the lightbox options for your gallery.

Enable Lightbox

If the enable lightbox option is enabled, the lightbox effect you’ve configured in the Lightbox settings will be applied to the gallery. By default, the enable lightbox option is enabled.

Image Size

The image size option lets you select the image size for the gallery lightbox. The supported image sizes depend on your currently active theme. If you choose the custom size option, you’ll be able to define custom sizes for the gallery lightbox using the option given below.

Custom Size

The custom size option allows you to specify custom dimensions for the gallery lightbox. This option is applicable if you select custom size in the Image Size option above.

Image Title

The image title option allows you to decide which title to use for the gallery lightbox. You can choose to use global, none, image title, image caption, image alt text, or image description. Selecting the global option applies the settings you’ve configured in the Lightbox settings screen.

Image Caption

The image caption option allows you to decide which caption to use for the gallery lightbox. You can choose to use global, none, image title, image caption, image alt text, or image description. Selecting the global option applies the settings you’ve configured in the Lightbox settings screen. This option is applicable if the lightbox effect you’ve selected supports image captions.

Misc tab

The Misc tab allows you to configure some extra setting for the gallery. The available options are described below.


Title Position

The title position option allows you to specify whether you want the gallery’s title to appear at the top or at the bottom. If you don’t want to display the gallery’s title, select none. By default, the title position is set to none.

Description Position

The description position option allows you to specify whether you want the gallery’s description to appear at the top or at the bottom. If you don’t want to display the gallery’s description, select none. By default, the description position is set to none.

Gallery Description

If you’d like to specify a description for your gallery, you can enter it here.

Custom Classes

If you’d like to add custom CSS classes, you can enter them here. Make sure that the CSS classes are space separated.

Gallery Featured Image

You can assign a featured image to your galleries and you have three options to select the gallery featured image source – first gallery image, Media Library, and Custom URL. To set the featured image, head over to Gallery All Galleries from the admin panel and selecting the gallery you want to insert. Once you have it open in the Edit Gallery screen, look for the Featured Image widget in the right sidebar.


The first gallery image option is a dynamic option which means that if you update your gallery later on and the first image changes, it will use the first image from the updated gallery as the gallery’s featured image.

The Media Library option lets you select any image from your site’s Media Library to use as the featured image.

The custom URL option lets you enter the URL of an image and it will use that image as the gallery’s featured image.

Inserting a Gallery

Add Gallery Button

The Add Gallery button in the Edit Post screen allows you to insert a gallery that was created using the Responsive Lightbox & Gallery plugin’s Gallery Builder directly into your posts/pages.

When you click the Add Gallery button, you’ll be prompted to select a gallery from the pop-up screen. Once you’ve selected it, simply click the Insert into post button to insert it into your post’s (or page’s) text editor.

The gallery’s shortcode should be added to the text editor.

Using a Shortcode


You can add galleries to your posts and pages by adding their respective shortcodes directly. They gallery’s shortcode can be accessed either by opening up the gallery by heading over to Gallery All Galleries from the admin panel and selecting the gallery you want to insert. Once you have it open in the Edit Gallery screen, look for the Gallery Code widget in the right sidebar; it should contain the gallery’s specific shortcode.

You can also grab the your gallery’s shortcode by navigating to Gallery All Galleries from the admin panel and copying the shortcode from under the Shortcode column.

Once you have the shortcode, you can copy-paste it directly into your page/post/custom post type’s text editor screen.

Using a Function


If you’d like to add a gallery to a template file then you can do that using the gallery’s template tag. To do this, head over to Gallery All Galleries from the admin panel and selecting the gallery you want to insert. Once you have it open in the Edit Gallery screen, look for the Gallery Code widget in the right sidebar; it should contain the gallery’s specific template tag.

Once you’ve found it, simply copy-paste it and add it to your template file.