The Lightgallery Lightbox extension allows users to configure its general settings from the Responsive Lightbox settings screen. To access the extension’s settings panel navigate to Settings > Responsive Lightbox from your WordPress site’s admin panel. In the General settings tab, choose Lightgallery as your Lightbox script and click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the screen.
Now, click on the Lightbox settings tab to begin configuring Lightgallery Lightbox’s settings. Here’s a preview of the default Lightbox settings screen followed by a detailed explanation of the different settings you can configure.
2.1 Transition Effect
The transition effect setting allows you to define the type of transition that should be applied between images. There are 30 different transition effects to choose from including slide, fade, zoom in, rotate, and more.
2.2 Speed
The Lightgallery Lightbox extension lets you configure the transition duration through this speed setting. You can define the transition speed in milliseconds (ms). By default, the value is set to 600 ms.
2.3 Height
This option allows you to change the default height of the Lightgallery lightbox. There are two different ways to alter the default height – using percentage and using pixels (px). For instance, if you’d like to set the new lightbox’s height to half the height of the default lightbox, you could change the height setting to 50% or 150px.
2.4 Width
This option allows you to change the default width of the Lightgallery lightbox. There are two different ways to alter the default width – using percentage and using pixels (px). For instance, if you’d like to set the new lightbox’s width to half the width of the default lightbox, you could change the width setting to 50% or 150px.
2.5 Show Caption
Lightgallery lightbox has the ability to display a caption with images. To enable this option, choose an image field to retrieve the caption from through the drop-down menu. You can choose to set the image’s title, caption, alt text, or description as the image’s caption. By default, the Show Caption option is set to None (default).
2.6 Backdrop duration
The backdrop duration setting allows you to set the backdrop transition duration in milliseconds. By default, the value is set to 150 ms.
2.7 Hide bars delay
This setting defines how long it takes for a bar to display on the screen when a user accesses your lightbox from a mobile device. By default, the hide bars delay value is set to 6000 ms.
2.8 Use left
Checking this box forces the lightgallery lightbox to use CSS left property instead of transform. Leaving the box unchecked is recommended if your visitors use mobile devices to access your website.
2.9 Use left for zoom
Checking this box forces the lightgallery lightbox to use CSS left property instead of transform for the zoom effect. Leaving the box unchecked is recommended if your visitors use mobile devices to access your website.
2.10 Closable
Enabling this option allows clicks on dimmer to close gallery. Leaving this box checked is recommended if your visitors use mobile devices to access your website.
2.11 Loop
By enabling this option, the lightbox gallery will loop back to the beginning of the gallery when the last media item is reached.
2.12 ESC Key
With this option enabled, users can hit the ESC key to close the lightbox gallery.
2.13 Keyboard
Enabling this option allows your visitors to navigate through the lightbox gallery using their keyboard (such as by using the left and right arrow keys).
2.14 Controls
When this option is enabled, the previous and next arrow buttons on the lightbox screen will be displayed. If you’d like to hide them from the screen, simple disable this option by unchecking the box.
2.15 Slide end animation
Setting this option enables an animation when the slide ends.
2.16 Hide controls on end
If you’d like to hide the navigation controls (i.e. the previous and next buttons) on the first and last media item then enable this option. By default, this option is unchecked.
2.17 Mousewheel
If you’d like your visitors to be able to navigate through the gallery by using their mousewheel then enable this option.
2.18 Download
Enabling this setting displays a download button on the lightbox that allows viewers to download the gallery.
2.19 Download Attachments
Enabling this option allows you to leverage our Download Attachments plugin to manage all downloadable media items and galleries in your lightbox. The plugin integrates seamlessly with Responsive Lightbox and all of its extensions. It’s important that you have it installed and activated on your site for this option to work.
2.20 Counter
By enabling this option, you choose to display the total number of images and index number of the gallery that’s currently being viewed.
2.21 Swipe threshold
This option allows you to set a swipe threshold. The swipe threshold is the minimum value which must be passed for it to be detectable. By default, the swipe threshold is set to 50ms.
2.22 Enable drag
Enabling this option allows users to be able to use their desktop mouse’s drag functionality.
2.23 Enable touch
Checking this option enables touch support. It’s recommended to enable this option if your visitors use mobile devices to access your website.
2.24 Thumbnails
If you’d like to have the media item’s thumbnails be visible in the gallery then enable this option.
2.25 Animate thumbnail
Checking this box enables thumbnail animation for the media items in your lightbox’s gallery.
2.26 Toggle thumbnail
Enabling this option allows you to give your users the option to toggle thumbnail view. When enabled, a thumbnail toggle button will be displayed on the screen.
2.27 Autoplay
By enabling this option, the gallery will autoplay when a user launches it.
2.28 Pause
The lightbox gallery allows users to pause slideshows. This value determines how long the pause duration is. By default, the pause duration is set to 5000ms.
2.29 Progress bar
Enabling this option displays a progress bar on the screen which determines how long it will take until the gallery begins to autoplay.
2.30 Autoplay controls
If you’d like to display the autoplay controls on your lightbox then enable this option by checking the box. Unchecking the box disables the option and hides the autoplay controls.
2.31 Full screen
Enabling this option allows users to switch to full-screen mode. If you disable this option then the user will not be able to switch to full-screen mode.
2.32 Pager
Checking this box enables the pager. By default, the pager is disabled.
2.33 Zoom
Enabling this option allows users to zoom into your media items. If you disable this option then the user will not be able to use the zoom in or zoom out option.
2.34 Actual size
Setting this option enables the actual pixel icon.
2.35 Hash
Setting this option enables hash for deeplinking. By default, this option is disabled.
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