Lightcase Lightbox

This lightbox is a premium lightbox extension. This extension requires installation and activation of the Responsive Lightbox plugin (version 1.6-current).

Installation and Activation

To install Lightcase Lightbox purchase the plugin select the “Add-on” tab and then the plugin.



You will then be prompted to checkout. Fill out the information and then scroll down and select purchase.

Checkout Screen

Checkout Screen

Once the Lightcase Lightbox is purchased an activation key will be needed. This activation key can be found by looking at your purchase history and selecting view key.

Purchase History

Purchase History

Activation Key

Activation Key

To activate the Lightcase Lightbox plugin add the license by selecting the Licenses tab in the plugin screen and entering the license into the text area. Then select the save button.


General Settings Screen

Once the Lightcase Lightbox is installed it will be listed as an option in the General Settings Screen. To apply the lightbox, click it and then scroll-down on the page and select save.

General Settings Lightbox

General Settings Lightbox

Lightcase Lightbox Settings

Lightcase Lightbox Settings

Lightcase Lightbox Settings

Transition Effect:
Select among the 10 different options to stylize how the transitions occur between each image in a slideshow.

Transition Effects

Transition Effects

Animation speed for the starting transition refers to the amount of time it takes the image to be displayed. Measured in milliseconds.

Animation speed for the ending transition refers to the amount of time it takes the image to leave the display. Measured in milliseconds.

CSS Effects:
This option allows CSS to be used to stylize the transitions rather than Javascript.

This option allows for autoplay of the slideshow.

Navigate Endless:
This option allows the slideshow to repeat forever. To exist such a slideshow users would need to click off to the side or select the “x” to exit.

Sequence Info:
This option allows the image order to appear in the slideshow.

Sequence Info

Sequence Info

Close On Overlay Click:
This option allows users to exit the slideshow by selecting on the overlay (or off to the side).

Use Keys:
This option would enable viewers to use only keys to navigate the slideshow.

This option allows users to swipe between images on a mobile/touchscreen device.

Overlay Opacity:
This option allows for customization of the overlay. The higher the percentage the darker the overlay.

10 percent opacity

10 percent opacity

100 percent opacity

100 percent opacity

This option is the amount of time in milliseconds for the on-screen display of each image. Default is 5000 or 5 seconds.

Media Content:
This option allows for customization of the image size.

Force Width:
This option forces the media content width to prevent any shrinking.

Force Height:
This option forces the media content height to prevent any shrinking.

Disable Shrink:
This option removes the shrink completely. If left un-clicked, the image will revert to the default size.

Live Resize:
This option adjusts the image in relation to the browser window. If the browser window is made larger the image re-sizes to be bigger in relation. If the browser window is made smaller the image re-sizes to be smaller in relation.

Mobile Full Screen:
This option optimizes the image for each device by making the device fill the screen.

Shrink Factor:
This option allows for shrink customization.

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