Justified Gallery Settings Page: This page contains the options to configure the images. This plugin only works if a gallery has been created. When options have been selected be sure to save them by clicking the “Save” button at the bottom.
Under the General Settings Page, when Justified Gallery is selected it allows all galleries on the site to be converted to a Justified Gallery (as controlled by theme) automatically. If other gallery plugins exist such as Masonry Gallery, those will be automatically converted into Masonry.
The way to keep galleries from being converted automatically is to use a shortcode. Any galleries with a shortcode will not be converted.
A shortcode must be used on each gallery to specify which gallery “type” they should be.
For example, if the default gallery is Masonry, galleries could be made Justified by setting a shortcode parameter to Justified: [ gallery=type “justified” ids=”973, 968, 972, 971, 970, 969, 957″ ]
Justified Gallery Settings
Row Height: This option specifies the row height of the rows in a gallery. The default when plugin is loaded is 200.
Max Row Height: This option specifies the max height of the rows in a gallery. The default when the plugin is loaded is 0. The difference between Row Height and Max Row Height is that while Row Height is an approximate number the plugin tries to achieve and Max Row Height is the final fixed number. This gives the plugin an available range: from Row Height to Max Row Height. It provides a necessary flexibility to justify images.
Last Row: This option specifies what happens when images are laid out in a row. When images get laid out it it may not be possible to create a fully aligned row. There are three options: Justify , No Justify, Hide.
- Justify- This takes images and ignores any row height options. The last row may be higher than the others but it will be justified.
- No Justify– This takes images and applies any row height options. The last row will not be justified but it will keep the height as the other rows.
- Hide- This hides the last row if it cannot be justified.
Fixed Height: This option makes all images have the same height.
Captions: This option specifies if captions should be displayed when a someone mouses over the image.
Margins: This option specifies the space between images. The default is 3px.
Border: This option specifies the border of the gallery. The default is -1px. Negatives makes the border the same as the margins. The border would be useful if the gallery is between text.
Randomize: This option specifies whether or not the images should be randomized.
Refresh Time: This option specifies how fast the page checks-in. The default is 250ms (or 4 times). If there are many images on a site with Javascript happening in the background, the site will take lots of resources. In that situation, increasing to 500ms or 1000ms would help off-set using too many resources.
Thumbnails Loading: If the images have height and width attributes then the gallery layout is built immediately with images loading randomly.
Justify Threshold: This option specifies the ration in which the last row is justified. If it is equal to or less than 35% (.35) the last row is justified. The default is 0.35 ratio.
Images Animation Duration: This option specifies how fast the images appear. The default is 300ms. Each 1000ms is equal to 1 second. For example, 1000ms=1 second, 2000ms=2 seconds, etc.
WooCommerce Settings Gallery Settings
When WooCommerce is activated a new gallery option appears, at the bottom, in the General Settings tab. If default is selected the default WooCommerce gallery option is activated. If Masonry, Justified or another gallery option is selected then all the WooCommerce galleries automatically get converted. Shortcodes are unable to be used to specify gallery types. When the desired option is selected be sure to click on “Save”.
The WooCommerce Gallery settings control the native WooCommerce Gallery images. Add images to the Product Gallery in the backend by going to the Product Gallery section at the sidebar and inserting them.
The images are then controlled in appearance and display on the front end. To configure the images for the Justified Gallery go to the Justified Gallery tab. Any settings changed here are applied globally to all Justified Galleries regardless if they are Product Galleries or regular ones.
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