Once you have the Inline Gallery plugin installed and activated to your WordPress-based website, you can access its settings screen by navigating to Lightbox > Galleries > Inline from the admin panel.
Here’s a preview of the Inline Gallery settings screen followed by a detailed explanation of the different settings you can configure.
2.1 Autoplay
By enabling the autoplay setting, the gallery slideshow will start automatically when the user accesses the page (or post).
2.2 Autoplay interval
The autoplay interval setting defines the amount of time it takes to slide from one image to the next. This setting takes effect when the Autoplay option is enabled. The time is defined in milliseconds. By default, the autoplay interval is set to 5000 ms.
2.3 Initial transition
The initial transition option allows you to set the transition effect for the first image in the gallery. You can choose between fade, flash, pulse, slide, and fadeslide. By default, the initial transition is set to fade.
2.4 Transition
The transition option allows you to set the transition effect for displaying images in the gallery. You can choose between fade, flash, pulse, slide, and fadeslide. By default, the transition is set to fade.
2.5 Transition speed
The transition speed defines the amount of time the transition effect takes. The time is defined in milliseconds. By default, the transition speed is set to 400 ms.
2.6 Easing
The easing setting specifies the speed at which the transition effect progresses within the animation. You can choose between linear, swing, galleria, galleriaIn, and galleriaOut.
2.7 Image crop
The image crop setting defines how the images will be cropped inside their container. You can choose between fill the stage, scale down, height, width, landscape, and portrait. By default, the image crop is set to scale down.
Here’s what the gallery looks like with image crop set to fill the stage:
And here’s what the same gallery looks like with image crop set to fill the stage:
2.8 Image margin
The image margin setting allows you to set margins on the images in the gallery. By default, the image margin value is set to 0 px.
Here’s what the gallery looks like with image margin set to 0 px:
And here’s what the same gallery looks like with image margin set to 20 px:
2.9 Image pan
By enabling the image pan setting, users will be able to reveal the cropped areas of the image through mouse-controlled movement of the image. By default, this option is disabled.
2.10 Follow layer
The follow layer setting allows you to choose if you’d like to fill the stage (regardless of the image crop setting). If this setting is enabled, the image crop setting will take effect. If this setting is disabled, the image will fill the stage regardless of the cropping settings. By default, the follow layer setting is enabled.
2.11 Minimum scale
The minimum scale setting allows you to set the minimum scale ratio for images. This is the minimum amount the user can zoom in to the image. 100% means that the images will not be downscaled. By default, minimum scale is set to 500%.
2.12 Maximum scale
The maximum scale setting allows you to set the maximum scale ratio for images. This is the minimum amount the user can zoom in to the image. 100% means that the images will not be upscaled. By default, minimum scale is set to 500%.
2.13 Pause on interaction
By enabling the pause on interaction setting, the gallery will stop the slideshow if the user clicks on the image thumbnails or any other navigational links. By default, this option is enabled.
2.14 Preload images
This setting defines how many images the gallery should load in advance. If you choose to preload images, they will be loaded into the browser cache prior to being displayed. The lower the value, the faster your page will be. You can choose to have all, none, or a specific number of images (ranging from 1 to 10) preload in advance. By default, the preload images option is set to 2.
2.15 Responsive
Enabling the responsive setting will make the gallery mobile-responsive. If you disable this setting, the gallery will no longer be mobile responsive. By default, the responsive setting is enabled.
2.16 Show image info
Enabling the show image info setting will make the title of the image and its description always visible to the user. By default, the show image info option is disabled.
2.17 Show image counter
Enabling the show image counter setting will make the image counter (e.g. 2/9 if it’s the second image in a gallery that contains a total of 9 images) always visible to the user. By default, the show image counter option is enabled.
2.18 Show image navigation
Enabling the show image navigation setting will make the image navigation (i.e. the previous/next buttons) always visible to the user. By default, the show image navigation option is enabled.
2.19 Swipe movement
The swipe movement option lets you choose a setting for the native-like swipe on touch devices. For desktop, enforcing a swipe-like interface will stack images next to each other. You can choose between auto, disabled, and enforced. By default, swipe movement is set to auto.
2.20 Thumbnails
The thumbnails setting lets you decide whether you’d like to display thumbnails for the images in the gallery. By default, the thumbnails option is enabled.
Here’s what the gallery looks like with the thumbnails option disabled:
2.21 Thumbnail crop
The thumbnail crop setting defines how the thumbnail image will be cropped inside it’s container. You can choose between fill the stage, scale down, height, width, landscape, and portrait. By default, the image crop is set to fill the stage.
2.22 Thumbnail margin
The thumbnail margin setting allows you to set margins on the thumbnail images in the gallery. By default, the image margin value is set to 0 px.
Here’s what the gallery looks like with thumbnail margin set to 0 px:
And here’s what the same gallery looks like with thumbnail margin set to 5 px:
2.23 Thumbnail carousel
By enabling the thumbnail carousel setting, the thumbnails in the gallery will have a separate carousel that lets users scroll between them. The carousel will only work if the total sum of thumbnail images’ width exceeds the container. By default, the thumbnail carousel option is enabled.
Here’s what the thumbnail carousel looks like when it’s enabled:
Here’s what the thumbnail carousel looks like when it’s disabled:
2.24 Thumbnail carousel speed
The thumbnail carousel speed setting defines the duration of the carousel animation. The time is defined in milliseconds. By default, the autoplay interval is set to 400 ms.
2.25 Thumbnail carousel steps
The thumbnail carousel steps setting defines the number of steps the carousel will advance when navigating between available thumbnails. You can choose to set this option to automatically or choose a specific value (ranging from 1 to 10). By default, the thumbnail carousel steps is set to automatically.
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