
Once you have the Hidden Gallery plugin installed to your WordPress website, you can access its settings page by navigating to Settings > Attachments from the admin panel. Here’s a preview of the Hidden Gallery settings screen followed by a detailed explanation of the different settings you can configure.

2.1 Mode

The mode setting allows users to select the default gallery display mode. The different modes are Text and Image. If you select text, the hidden gallery will open up in a lightbox when the user clicks on a text link.

However, if you select image, the hidden gallery will open up in a lightbox when the user clicks on an image link. By default, the mode is set to Text.

2.2 Gallery title

This option defines the label of the text link that is displayed when you add a simple hidden gallery to your website. By default, the gallery title is set to Gallery.

You can set the gallery’s title to anything you’d like.

2.3 Link class

By using the link class option, you can add the hidden gallery to just about any page element on your site’s post or page. For instance, if you wanted to make the gallery open up in a lightbox when the user clicked on a button, you would simply enter the button’s CSS class in the link class field.

2.4 Show description

Hidden Gallery allows you to add a description for your gallery next to its gallery title via shortcode.

You can add a description to your gallery using the description parameter in the shortcode.

When you enable this option, the plugin will pick up the gallery’s description from the shortcode and display it on the front-end. It might look something like this:

Enabling the Show description option displays a description of the gallery next to the gallery title.

By default, the show description option is enabled.

2.5 Show count

When you enable the show count option, the total number of images in your gallery will be displayed next to the hidden gallery’s gallery title.

Show count option is enabled.

For instance, if your gallery title is set to Gallery, the show count value will show up on the front-end as something like this: Gallery (n images), where n is the number of images in the gallery.

Show count option is disabled.

2.6 Fix editor

When the fix editor option is enabled, hidden gallery’s shortcodes will be displayed in your post’s (or page’s) text editor window.

Fix editor option is enabled.

However, when the fix editor option is disabled, the gallery’s images along with their descriptions will be displayed in the text editor. By default, the fix editor option is enabled.

Fix editor option is disabled.


The Hidden Gallery plugin allows users to automatically display hidden galleries on pages and/or posts by selecting the Hidden Gallery option from the Gallery Settings’ Type setting.

Alternatively, you can use the [galllery type=”hidden”] shortcode to add a hidden gallery to your pages and/or posts. And if you want to force the default gallery, simply use the [galllery type=”default”] shortcode instead.

You can tack on additional attributes to each shortcode to fine-tune the hidden gallery’s settings. If you don’t specify an attribute, its value will be taken from the default settings. Here’s a table detailing the different attributes you can specify with the shortcodes:

Description Valid Values Default Value
mode Hidden Gallery opens with text link or image link. Text | Image Text
title Gallery’s title displayed on the front-end. Input type: text Gallery
link_class Link hidden gallery to a different element e.g. a button. Input type: text None
show_description Display each image’s description on the front-end. 0 | 1 1
show_count Display the total number of images in the hidden gallery. 0 | 1 1


To use this shortcode, head over to the page or post you wish to add the hidden gallery to. In its text editor, enter the [galllery type=”hidden” ids=”123, 124, 125, 126”] shortcode where you want the hidden gallery to be displayed. (Note: 123, 124, 125, and 126 are the image ids).

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