The [em-full-calendar] shortcode is used to display the interactive full calendar on any page. This shortcode will display the events using the exact query parameters as for the events archive.

The calendar default parameters are:

start_after= // display events that start after specific date, empty by default, use yyyy-mm-dd format for e.g. 2014-05-05
start_before= // display events that start before specific date, use yyyy-mm-dd
end_after= // display events that end after specific date, use yyyy-mm-dd
end_before= // display events that end before specific date, use yyyy-mm-dd
ondate= // display events for specific date, use yyyy-mm-dd
date_range=between // or outside; display events in or outside the date ranges provided in start_after, start_before, end_after or end_before parameters
date_type=all // or all_day, not_all_day; display only specific type of events
ticket_type=all // or free, paid; display only events with specific type of ticketing
show_past_events= // 0/1 for true/false; default to the plugin settings; wheteher to include past events in calendar or not
show_occurrences= // 0/1 for true/false; default to the plugin settings; wheteher to include event occurrences in calendar or not
categories= // a comma separated list of event-category ids, for e.g. 3,5,15
locations= // a comma separated list of event-location ids, for e.g. 1,2
organizers= // a comma separated list of event-organizer ids, for e.g. 6


[em-full-calendar start_after=2014-05-11 date_type=1 categories=3,5,15]

The above would output a calendar including all-day events that started after 2014-05-11, from categries of id 3,5 and 15 only.

You may flexibly use any of the parameters to modify the default calendar (the one you set in the plugin settings) or to create unlimited number of different calendars according to your preferences. Notice: The only limitation is you can’t have 2 or more calendars on single page.

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