2. Settings

The Download Attachments plugin allows users to configure its general, display, and admin settings from the Download Attachments screen. To access the Settings screen navigate to Settings > Attachments from your WordPress dashboard.

2.1 General Settings

Users can configure general settings for the Download Attachments plugin by heading over to the General tab on the Download Attachments screen. Here’s a preview of the default General Settings screen followed by a detailed explanation of the different settings you can configure.

2.1.1 Label

The Label setting allows users to define the download attachments list label. This is the label that will appear above the list of attached files.

2.1.2 User Roles

The User Roles configuration option allows users to select which user roles are allowed to add, remove, and manage the attachments. The different user roles to pick from include:

Additionally, you can choose to select multiple user roles or none at all. If you choose to leave each box un-ticked then only the administrator is allowed to add, remove, and manage attachments.

2.1.3 Supported Post Types

The Supported Post Types option allows users to select which post types to enable for downloads. You can choose to enable downloading attachments from pages, posts, both, or none.

2.1.4 Download Method

There are two different methods by which your site’s visitors can download attachments – force download or redirect to file.

  • Force download. Force download means that when the visitor click on the download link, the download will begin automatically.
  • Redirect to file. By selecting redirect to file, the visitors will be redirected to a page (which may contain additional information about the file) and prompted to confirm the download i.e. the download will not begin automatically.

Users must select one of these options from the Download Method section.

2.1.5 Pretty URLs

The Pretty URLs option allows users to enable and disable the use of pretty URLs for download attachments. By default, pretty URLs are disabled.

2.1.6 Encrypt URLs

Encrypt URLs option allows users to enhance the security of their downloadable files by encrypting the attachment ids in generated URLs. By default, encryption is disabled.

2.1.7 Reset Count

The Reset Count button allows users to reset the download’s counter for all of the attachments they’ve linked on their website.

2.1.8 Deactivation

The Deactivation option deletes all of the plugin’s data when the user deactivates it. By default, the deactivation option is disabled.

2.2 Display Settings

Users can configure the Download Attachment plugin’s display settings by heading over to the Display tab on the Download Attachments screen. Here’s a preview of the default Display Settings screen followed by a detailed explanation of the different settings you can configure.

2.2.1 Fields Display

The Fields Display option allows you to select which elements to display on the frontend to give more information about the download attachment(s). The available options to choose from include:

  • Index. Index represents the index id of the attachment.
  • Added by. By enabling this option you can display which author added the attachment.
  • Icon. If this option is enabled, an icon will appear next to the attachment’s name. For instance, if the attachment is a PDF document then the default PDF icon will be displayed.
  • Size. The size of the attachment(s) in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, etc.
  • Date added. This value represents the timestamp for when the attachment’s link was made available for download. The default format for the timestamp is j F Y g:ig. 29 November 2013 12:21.
  • Downloads. Downloads value represents the total number of times the attachment has been downloaded.

Users can choose to select any number of values to display on the frontend.

2.2.2 Display Style

Display Style allows users to select how they’d like to have the various file attachments displayed on their post or page. There are two available options to pick from – list and table.

2.2.3 Downloads Description

Downloads Description allows users to give their visitors more information about the file attachment(s) by adding a description for it. You can choose to display a caption, a description, both, or none.

2.2.4 Use CSS Style

Selecting this option allows you to use built-in CSS styles to customize how the file attachment(s) are displayed on the frontend.

2.2.5 Display Position

The Display Position lets users decide where on the post or page they’d like to have the downloadable file attachments be displayed. There are three options to choose from:

  • Before the content.
  • After the content.

2.3 Admin Settings

Users can configure the Download Attachment plugin’s admin settings by heading over to the Admin tab on the Download Attachments screen. Here’s a preview of the default Admin Settings screen followed by a detailed explanation of the different settings you can configure.

2.3.1 Fields Display

The Fields Display option allows you to select which elements to display on the backend to give more information about the download attachment(s). The available options to choose from include:

  • ID. ID represents the index id of the attachment.
  • Added by. By enabling this option you can display which author added the attachment.
  • File type. If this option is enabled, the admin will be able to view the file type of the attachment.
  • Size. The size of the attachment(s) in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, etc.
  • Date added. This value represents the timestamp for when the attachment’s link was made available for download. The default format for the timestamp is j F Y g:ig. 29 November 2013 12:21.
  • Downloads. Downloads value represents the total number of times the attachment has been downloaded.

Users can choose to select any number of values to display on the backend.


2.3.2 Downloads Description

Downloads Description allows users to display more information about the file attachment(s) on their backend by adding a description for it. You can choose to display a caption, a description, both, or none.

2.3.3 Edit Attachment Link

The Edit Attachment Link option allows users to select from where they’d like to edit download links from. There are two available options:

  • Media Library.
  • Modal.

2.3.4 Media Library

Users can select which files they’d like to have visible in the Media Library while inserting attachment to download. They can choose to have all of the attachments be visible or only those that are attached to a post. By default, this option is set to have all attachments be visible in the Media Library.

2.3.5 Downloads Count

The Downloads Count option allows users to display the total downloads count in their Media Library’s columns. By default, this option is enabled.