Cookie Notice

Below are a list of options of the plugin. Be sure after selecting the options to scroll to the bottom and save.

Message: Enter the messages in the textbox. HTML markup can be used to further customize the text.

Cookie Notice Messages

Cookie Notice Messages


Cookie Notice Message on page

Button Text: The text entered here will be displayed inside the button. HTML markup cannot be used.

Button Text

Button Text

More Info Link: When selected this option displays several sub-options that direct users to get more information on your Cookie policy. The Read More button text can be customized and users can be directed to a specific link by selecting “Custom Link” or a specific page by selecting “Page Link”.

Read More Link

Read More Link

When “Page Link” is selected a drop-down box of all the site’s pages appear.

Read More Page Link

Read More Page Link

Link Target: This option specifies how the More Info Link is displayed when the button is clicked by a user. If _blank is selected, it opens the page in a new window or tab. If _self is selected, it takes you directly to the page.

Link Target

Link Target

Refuse Button: This option specifies what text to display in the button. When selected two other options appear. One option allows for the custom refuse usage text. This text-box does not html markup.

The other option is a text-box for JavaScript code such for Google Analytics. This kind of code is called Non-functional cookies. These are cookies used to track user behavior on your site. If the refuse button is enabled, JavaScript code will need to be inserted into the text-box. This plugin will hold the JavaScript code until a user selects either “Ok” or “No”. If a user selects “No” the Javascript will not run. If the user selects “Ok” the Javascript code will run and the user will be tracked on the site. If a user selects “Read More” the JavaScript code will not run.

Refuse Usage of Cookies

Refuse Button: Refuse Usage of Cookies and Text-box for JavaScript Code

Note that the image below displays the notice when all buttons (Button, Refuse, More Info) have been enabled.

All Buttons Enabled

All Buttons Enabled

On Scroll: This option enables the acceptance of the cookies while the user scrolls. After user scrolls a defined number of pixels, the notice will be treated as accepted and the cookie notice bar will disappear.

On Scroll

On Scroll

Cookie Expiry: This option specifies how long a cookie should be stored for. When selected a drop-down menu with expiration times appear.

Cookie Expiry

Cookie Expiry

Script Placement: This option specifies where he Javascript code should be placed. If page loading time is a concern, scripts should be placed in the footer.

Script Placement

Script Placement

Deactivation: This option will remove all plugin data if the plugin is deactivated.



Position: This option specifies the location of the Cookie Notice, either at the top or the bottom. Note, if “On Scroll” is enabled the position will be fixed. The default position for the notice is the footer.



Animation: This option specifies how the Cookie Notice will appear: None, Fade, or Slide. The default is Fade.



None, Fade, and Slide Animations are displayed below:

None Fade and Slide Animation

None Fade and Slide Animation

Button Style: Button styles can be customized as either None, WordPress, or Bootstrap. The button style selected applies across all buttons on the Cookie Notice. Individual buttons are unable to have different styles.

Button Style

Button Style

Button Style: None. Only highlighted text will appear.

Button Style None

Button Style: None

Button Style: WordPress. The classic grey rectangle will encapsulate the text.

Button Style WordPress

Button Style: WordPress

Button Style: Bootstrap. A more modern rectangle will encapsulate the text.

Button Style BootStrap

Button Style: BootStrap

Colors: This option allows color customization of both the text and the bar. The default for text is white and for the bar is black.

